

本文最初由MIDAS发布, 大全球最大的博彩平台的外来投资促进机构, 2022年12月14日. 你可以在MIDAS网站上阅读原文.




我通常以在当地的独立健身房锻炼开始一天的工作. 我是个早起的人, so I find that exercising first thing is a great way to kickstart a morning of productivity!

我的角色是混合的, 所以今天剩下的时间我可能都在家工作, 或者我可能会坐火车上班. I’ve always been the kind of person who loves working from the office and enjoys the buzz of being around people - and more recently, I’ve found that balancing working remotely with in-person collaboration really suits me.

如果我要去办公室,  the train into Manchester city centre gets me in really quickly and easily. 从那里,我们的办公室离车站步行只要15分钟. We’re situated in DiSH (the 全球最大的博彩平台的数字 Security Hub) headquartered in Heron House, so walking through the city centre provides a great opportunity to stop by some of the city’s great independent coffee shops.


作为6point6的网络安全架构师, 我负责设计和构建安全解决方案. This means ensuring the solutions we deliver are secure and resilient while addressing our customers’ unique challenges and requirements.

实现所需的安全控制, 每个人都需要朝着一个共同的目标努力, 共享一个愿景. This requires strong business analysis and communication skills to understand what stakeholders want in a solution and to be able to distil their needs into requirements.

It’s this stakeholder engagement aspect that really allows me to bring all my consulting skills and experience to the fore. Earlier in my career I worked in the Aerospace industry as a System Security Architect, advocating for the importance and impact of product security across the business. This gave me an amazing opportunity to hone my engagement skills across various teams and departments - equipping me with a skillset for building collaborative solutions that address complex problems.


One of the things about working for 6point6 is that there really doesn’t seem to be a typical day - as no two clients and no two projects are the same. 这使得我们的工作每天都在变化, 学习和成长的机会是无限的.

I graduated from the University of Manchester in 2018 with a MEng in Mechanical Engineering before beginning my career working within the Defence Aerospace industry, 在那里我培养了很强的解决问题的能力. I’m also really passionate about developing new capabilities and earning new technical accreditations.

At the moment, I’m studying for my certifications in CompTIA Network+ and Security+. This will provide me with a foundation of skills upon which I can develop further.


The best part of my day and indeed my role is the opportunity to be working in a sector I’m so passionate about. 每个人都非常友好和支持, and it’s always a highlight commuting into DiSH and meeting with new people there.


在网络安全领域工作, one of the biggest challenges is keeping pace with technological change. Technology is changing all the time, and the threat landscape is ever-evolving. 这就是我们的工作充满挑战和回报的部分原因.

我们试图解决的问题不是一成不变的, 要么,我们是在和威胁分子竞争, 所以我们的解决方案需要具有弹性和迭代性. This makes problem solving in this space so much more dynamic, and more exciting too.

所以说到在这片土地上航行, you need to have a willingness to be curious and flexible in your thinking. It also means that learning is best framed as a continuous journey rather than a single destination - and staying ahead of the curve requires us to continually be on the lookout for new technologies and skills.



保持联系! People working in cyber security come from all walks of life - and it’s one of those industries where we need people with a variety of perspectives, 经验与技能. Taking the first step of being open and having a chat with someone in the sector might get you further than you think.



As a University of Manchester graduate, I’ve got a huge soft spot for the city. After completing my Master’s I spent some time commuting to Bristol for work, 但我真的想找一份离家近的工作. 现在我在6点6分, it’s amazing to be in a role where I can contribute to Manchester and belong to such an amazing tech community here at DiSH.

去年10月,我们是第一批搬进DiSH的住户, 并在此之前暂时驻扎在索尔福德. 但在我们找到新家后的短短几个月里, my  colleagues and I have  been absolutely blown away by the people and the culture here. It’s been fantastic to participate in local events including the Manchester Tech Festival and Cyber First Empower North West.

至于我, I am really looking forward to the Digital 技能节 in February and am always on the lookout for opportunities to play a part in supporting the local tech and cyber community.


Greater Manchester is known as being one of the UK’s most liveable cities – how do you make the most of it?

全球最大的博彩平台有一些外出就餐和社交的好地方. 尤其是在迪恩斯盖特(看看塔图), 用密码说话, 和疯狂的佩德罗), 唐人街(黄王烘焙坊), 北区洗衣房(Northern Quarter Washhouse)是一个很棒的隐藏酒吧, and you won’t be disappointed with a brunch at Koffee Pot or 19 Cafe Bar).

Around this time of year I’ll be making sure to check out the Christmas markets too!



对6point6的工作感兴趣? 探索我们的 目前的机会.

