

对于最新一期的MD文化俱乐部,我们赶上了创新软件咨询 Codurance 了解更多有关构成公司文化的态度和行为. 

To do this we’ve interviewed 3 members of their team; one of their talent leads, a new starter and a long term employee.            

Anne-Marie Mendonca, Head of People & 人才             


Codurance 是一家软件咨询公司,希望通过遵循敏捷实践和软件工艺原则,为我们的客户交付高质量的代码和项目. 我们还致力于帮助我们的客户和我们的团队在持续交付软件方面做得更好.                

Codurance was created as a result of a meet-up group! 我们的两位创始人, 桑德罗和马什, started up the London Software Craftsmanship community in 2010, 三年后,他们决定成立一家公司,让那些对良好的开发实践充满热情的开发人员磨练他们的技能和工艺, could come and build great things together.                    

我们大概是. 在伦敦(我们的总部)、全球最大的博彩平台和巴塞罗那三个办事处共有90名员工,而且还在不断增长. Up until 2-3 years ago our Craftspeople were mostly software engineers, 但我们希望多样化,以便能够作为一家公司进行改进,并为客户提供跨职能团队, and we now have lots of different roles - both internal and client-facing. 我们仍然主要是软件工程师,但我们的团队现在由业务分析师组成, 交付经理, 平台工程师也一样.                

Our culture has been influenced by the software craftsmanship movement, a passion for sharing knowledge with others and for continuous improvement. Everyone at Codurance is really helpful and supportive of each other, 在角色, 部门和国家! 我们相信文化也有助于客户项目的成功——我们希望交付高质量的软件,同时也改进流程,并与我们的客户同行密切合作,以支持他们并产生长期的积极影响.

How does the company go above and beyond to attract and retain tech talent?    

我们吸引和留住人才的方法与我们在开放和支持的环境中持续学习的文化息息相关. 我们为员工提供学习和发展预算,用于他们的专业发展, 指导计划和定期培训/实践社区会议,让人们见面并分享想法和意见. In what has been a challenging year for many, we also realise how important it is now, 更甚于以往, 让人们从健康和幸福的角度感受到组织的支持. 为了支持这一点, we provide services for our people that includes private healthcare, 一个循环工作计划, access to Mental Health First Aiders and regular wellbeing webinars.                    

我们也很自豪能够运行一个学院计划,超过三分之一的英国工匠已经通过并毕业. 这是一个机会,让那些可能没有机会参与我们所做的一些实践的人十大正规博彩网站评级我们. They are able to join a 4-month paid Academy programme at Codurance, through which we help them learn and develop their skills, before going on to graduate and work on client projects.

能否留住技术人才与招聘过程密切相关,对我们来说,在我们遇到的候选人之间找到价值观和抱负的匹配是很重要的. As a result, we have a number of different stages during the interview process. Candidates can meet a number of people and get a feel for who we are, and have an opportunity to ask questions or hear different perspectives. We’re also conscious of how in-demand people in the tech sector are, so our recruitment team looks to keep things efficient. We can usually complete an interview process in 2 weeks!

What does the future look like for the company and its employees?            

It’s definitely been an interesting year for everyone. 像许多公司一样,我们不得不适应与Covid-19相关的变化,例如远程工作. Something that has resulted in becoming a stronger company. 我们的规模扩大了, continued to successfully deliver projects for clients, 通过各种社交应用和视频聊天,彼此保持联系,在整个过程中开怀大笑. 它需要一群特殊的人,使远程视频圣诞派对一个有趣的事件! 至于未来, we’ll continue to look at ways we can adapt and improve, for both Codurancers and our clients. This attitude is ingrained in our collective mentality, even pre-Covid! The success of Codurance is really down to our people. 我们一起工作的方式. The way we look forward to our continued learning, this year and beyond.

妮可 Smith, Client Engagement Manager            

Can you describe your role at the company?                    

Four months ago I started my role as Client Engagement Manager at Codurance. Based in our Manchester office, 我负责管理现有客户,并通过网络和参与社区建立新的关系. 日复一日, 我与其他Codurance团队合作,帮助我们现有的和潜在的客户确定通过改进技术来实现组织目标的方法, optimising their processes and by implementing best practices.                    

What was it about the organisation that attracted you to the role?

Having spent 7 years working within the technology industry, Codurance has a very refreshing approach. 质量是我们软件开发和方法论的核心, to employee values and career progression.                    

我立刻被发展北部地区的想法所吸引,并复制我们在伦敦和巴塞罗那办事处所取得的成功. 最重要的是, 在我们将要采取的战略和我们需要的过程中,确实有影响的余地 to implement in order to expand. The open and honest culture encourages everyone to have a voice, and it is genuinely heard and ideas considered.                    

Can you describe the onboarding process you’ve experienced?

一想到要开始一个新角色并远程承担入职过程,就有点令人生畏. 然而, Codurance的团队非常热情和有组织,这让整个过程非常顺利. I actually found it very enjoyable. 我的设备在开始之前就送到了,所以我可以熟悉一切. Once I was logged in, I saw my diary for my first week slowly getting full! 虚拟咖啡介绍和非正式的团队会议是了解同事的好方法. 此外,该公司的抵押品和文件帮助我掌握了业务.


Liam Griffin-Jowett, Senior Software Craftsperson

Can you describe your role at the company?                

我是一名开发顾问, currently working as part of a team (virtually) embedded in a client, helping to deliver software and instil best practices within the team. 在Codurance工作也意味着你可以参与到你感兴趣的业务的任何部分. 我参加面试, 举办聚会, 在其他聚会上发言, take part in internal study groups, and help out with new business where I can.    

You’ve been at the company for a number of years, can you tell me what has kept you at the company for so long?                    

这里有一群独特的人,他们关心软件的工艺,也关心彼此. 如果你有一个问题,你总是会得到一个深思熟虑的答案,并为你所遇到的任何问题提供帮助. The management feels approachable, 任何影响人们的变化都是在付诸实施之前提出和讨论的. Obviously I’m biased, but the Manchester crew are an awesome, tight-knit team.

What would you say to a person considering joining the company?

You’ll be exposed to projects that will help you grow, and enter a community of colleagues who really care about what they’re doing, 以及他们是如何做到的. 

To find out more about Codurance and the work they do, 点击这里.

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