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德马泰克表示,计划将其供应链专业知识与谷歌云的人工智能和机器学习技术相结合. 这家总部位于亚特兰大的公司表示,双方的合作将增强供应链的弹性,并提供进入市场的系统.

“这种合作关系是我们与谷歌云团队宝贵合作的延续, 谁有兴趣帮助我们建立和测试下一代仓库管理解决方案,使这个联盟与我们的增长战略完美匹配,” stated 迪库萨克, chief technology officer of Dematic. “通过这次合作,我们正在帮助我们的客户提升他们在行业中的地位.”

德马泰克设计、构建并支持智能自动化,以支持客户 manufacturing, 仓库, distribution. 的 公司 is a subsidiary of KION Group, a leading 供应商 of industrial 卡车供应链 系统.

With more than 11,000 employees, Dematic has research 和 development 在超过35个国家设有工程中心、工厂和服务中心. It added that it has more than 8,000 customer installations worldwide.

Dematic finds like-minded partner in 谷歌云

Dematic said that migrating its offerings to the 和应用 AI 和 machine learning (ML) will drive rapid 创新. It claimed that customers will be able to use 谷歌云 了解在运营、计划、劳动力和其他方面可以获得的效率 库存

Why did Dematic choose 谷歌云?

“有几件事把我们引向了谷歌——他们的愿景和战略与我们的几乎完全一致,” replied Chris Shaver, global vice president for product management at Dematic. “Secondarily, a significant portion of our customer base sees 谷歌 as a strategic partner.”

“谷歌 has advanced AI/ML capabilities, but at the end of the day, 这又回到了拥有一个想要以和我们一样的方式影响社会和世界的伙伴,他说 Robotics 24/7. “德马泰克带来了200年的仓库自动化经验,而谷歌带来了 这是供应链行业迄今为止尚未找到的组合.”

“谷歌云致力于帮助整个供应链的组织满足客户快速发展的需求和期望, 供应商, 实现 谷歌云北美区总裁柯尔斯滕·克利普豪斯(Kirsten Kliphouse)表示. “我们很高兴与德马泰克合作,为客户提供创新的解决方案和技术,帮助他们快速应对整个行业的变化,并支持他们的业务发展 数字 transformation goals.”

Dematic CTO 和 谷歌云 president

迪库萨克, chief technology officer at Dematic, Kirsten Kliphouse, president of 谷歌云 North America. Source: Dematic

Simplicity, sustainability, speed are top goals

德马泰克将使用谷歌云为以下领域开发和部署软件 电子商务 和 omnichannel 实现, said the partners. 德马泰克还计划为通用汽车等垂直市场开发“控制塔”应用程序 商品, 杂货店, 服装, food 和 beverage.

“在过去的两年半里,我们看到了很多中断,(包括) 劳动 短缺,上海因COVID-19和乌克兰冲突而关闭,”Shaver说. “我们如何利用我们的供应链知识和谷歌的人工智能/机器学习能力,让复杂的事情变得简单?”

He also cited environmental sustainability as a benefit of Dematic's partnership with 谷歌云.

“从供应链中消除浪费的势头越来越大,但欧洲已经走在了美国的前面.S.,” noted Shaver. “What do we want to be able to do five years from now? Taking 10% of 卡车 off the road would be a good starting point. 通过数据洞察、库存可见性以及 优化,我们还可以减少15%的碳足迹或提高设施的利用率.”

“Something like 70% of 服装 电子商务 returns 最终 in the l和fill beause of seasonality, transport, repackaging. It's cheaper to dump them rather than resell them,” he said. 几家杂货店已经宣布,他们希望到2030年将食物浪费减少到零. 我们如何将数据和可见性纳入库存流程,以便在客户需要的时候提供给他们?”

“的 last advantage is speed,” 剃须刀说. “我们希望部署基于云的微解决方案,以便做出明智的决策. If you put Office on a laptop today, you don't need to go to Best Buy to buy a CD; you go to the Web. 我们希望使软件栈现代化,以便快速部署诸如重新路由amr之类的东西[autonomous mobile robots].”

Software stacks, prioritization, modularization

Warehouse automation providers increasingly say that 软件 will be more of a differentiator than hardware.

“How many AMR providers are there today?” 说剃须刀. “我们希望创建更多的微服务,以扩大我们的业务规模. 控制, 优化, scale robot fleets, our customers are challenged by more 和 more complex projects.”

“我们不希望三到四年后的一个项目需要三到四倍的技术资源,” he explained. “When we talk about a modular approach, we want to take our 软件 stack 和 st和ard services like Lego blocks.”

With a library of microservices, Dematic客户可以从云中提取模块,使用更少的资源来构建定制解决方案,并将复杂性降至最低, 剃须刀说. But how is a module designed?

“When we talk with customers about their 供应链 journey, we see four steps,” 说剃须刀, who listed the following:

  1. Basic, st和ard repeatable tasks in a warehouse
  2. Add automation, mechatronics, 软件 – “where we play today”
  3. Creating a “truly autonomous, next-generation dark warehouse”
  4. 一个“自主的端到端供应链”,为客户及其所有职能合作伙伴提供数字孪生, from raw materials to shipping

He acknowledged that one challenge is taking sensors from robots, 输送机, or sorters to run predictive analytics. “那, 我们可以利用这些数据来预测哪些产品会带来最大的挑战和潜在的堵塞,” Shaver added. “We're putting even more sensors on our equipment.”

Dematic expects 谷歌云 to accelerate 创新

“Our partnership with 谷歌 will lead to the truly autonomous, self-sustaining, lights-out warehouse much faster than people think,” asserted Shaver. 然而,他承认,人工干预可能需要一段时间. 

“仓库可能会像发电设施一样——有多少仓库主要由一个中央指挥中心在场外监控?” Shaver said. “That's the model we're looking for.”

While robotics hardware becomes commoditized, 德马泰克的软件栈和模块将帮助它和它的客户竞争, 说剃须刀.

“Even within networks of a given customer, 经常, those sites don't talk to each other for things such as 机器人手臂 using machine learning to pick up something,” he said. “That's the type of thing we think will provide a lot of value.”

“根据‘80/20法则’,客户80%的库存单位都在每个仓库里 distribution center, 20% is regionalized or seasonal,” noted Shaver. “With this partnership, we'll be able to help 优化 arms, swarming AMRs, power for the entire 供应链. 的 industry is clamoring for solutions to 供应链 disruptions.”

为此目的, 德马泰克和谷歌云目前正在建立管理结构和一个联合创新实验室, 剃须刀说.

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