
对经营机构的热情. 约翰·基廷,医学博士和创始人

全球最大的博彩平台数字公司, 我们喜欢采访会员,以了解更多全球最大的博彩平台他们的激情,帮助你了解他们.

本周我们采访了约翰·基廷, Dark Horse公司的总经理和创始人,他经营着一家搜索营销机构,专门帮助电子商务公司发展. Dark Horse成立于2019年12月,目前拥有28名员工,客户遍布英国各地. 

让我们从头开始. 是什么让你经营一家经纪公司的?

Dark Horse诞生于失望之中. 我的另一家公司, Databroker, was subjected to the bang average from a couple of “top-drawer” digital agencies. Promises of great results that were dismissed when new, larger clients came onboard and we were passed to juniors, 没有前瞻性的想法, and vanity metrics being used as results and justification to continue paying. 这是来自“获奖机构”和“名人”md在巡回演讲中受到称赞. 只有付费用户才能知道真相——不是从那些从未给过他们一分钱的人那里,而是从那些“喜欢”和转发他们内容的人那里.  结果是, 我决心创建一个机构,承认和拒绝房间里的大象, the bad practice and the very comfortable establishment. #一个领域是我们在电子商务平台上的专业知识——我们已经对它们进行了法医研究. 我们的目标是了解如何从数字营销中获得最佳效果,因为超过50%的客户业务都在这些电子商务平台上. Dark Horse不是为那些最富有的人准备的. Our clients are in all different sectors; Clothing and fashion, 运动与营养, 家,生活和许多其他的. 我们提供的是黑暗中的希望. We are who you turn to when you grow tired of mediocrity and want to fight back.

Setting up the agency, I decided to have only one value. 我讨厌“价值”这个词, it’s agency specific marketing nonsense; it’s not a decal on the wall, it’s not a desperate headline tacked on to our website for talent attraction, it’s more an open letter of challenge to the mediocre out there. 我们已经跑了3英里了.5年了,我们仍然坚持这个价值. 事实上, 随着我们的客户群不断扩大,并专注于我们的电子商务业务利基,这一点变得更加重要. 我们感觉到了,这很简单——做正确的事. 我们的每一个团队都要面对这个. 我们不只是聘请专家在点击付费,搜索引擎优化和付费社交,我们聘请的人与诚信.

让我们以点击付费广告为例. 该团队是谷歌的主要合作伙伴. They are recognised in the top 5% of the country for PPC, 然而,在接受谷歌推荐方面(根据大G本身),我们处于最低的四分之一,这实际上是我们更喜欢的数据. The team won’t settle for anything less than the best for the clients. 毕竟, with over 63 years of combined experience in the team, I am confident in the decisions they make and results they produce. Every time following that one value – do the right thing. 

2) How different was running an agency back then from how it is now?

现在更难了. 候选人市场扼杀了一些机构,现在它要求在工资单上写上“文化”一行. 如今,代理机构变得更加友好了, 总的来说,这显然是一件好事, 但这是多么真实啊, 是有争议的. 候选人市场谈论“文化”,现在这是世界上最重要的事情,尽管职位描述上必须有薪水,而不是文化部分. 如果你, 作为一个机构, 不提供每周2天的工作制,不支付每月去马尔代夫的费用,那么你们就是资本主义者, 严厉的, 维多利亚式的济贫院粥. 期望已经明显改变了. 但这都是全球最大的博彩平台可持续性的.

为什么现在的机构都是为善而活? This wasn’t the case in 2019 – it’s still the same people running them. It didn’t need to be vocalised back then but now it does. 个人品牌和候选人市场的兴起使得真相比以往任何时候都更加罕见,也更加两极分化. 我觉得,要想以最快的速度向前推进,你需要接受暴民文化和数学上的多数,不管你信不信.

Dark Horse would have rejected that mentality back then and we do so now. 我们不会牺牲我们的原则. It’s relatively easy when growing from a seed – sales and cashflow, 它提供了激光般的注意力和动力. 创造机会,成长, that is a different set of pressures; process, 品牌, 员工和声誉是我们现在所处的领域,要保持最初的势头和增长趋势要困难得多.

Whilst we have some of that in place, the Dark Horse priority is making itself known. 我们从一家没人知道的公司发展而来, 一个竞争对手都知道和爬行我们的网站,每天看看我们下一步要做什么, 免费. 我们因所有正确的理由而为人所知,我们前世所遭受的那些机构的不良做法都没有. As we continue to grow, we will hopefully become more famous. We want to give competition, both client’s and ours, sleepless nights. 

Internally, we have a 文化 of openness, but we don’t need to shout about it. 员工们很享受,这就是我所关心的. 证据就是我们的流失率——非常低. 这些都是我满意的数据.



I get to consider doing things those other agencies and business owners won’t. 这是解放. 我的影响主要集中在营销和商业方面,因为我没有技术头脑. 我们的想法中只有1%能够实现,但这并不能阻止我做白日梦. 我很高兴看到我们品牌的发展, Dark Horse并不适合所有人, 我们的品牌正在两极分化——但这就是问题所在, 它希望与行业内的Dark Horse合作,帮助那些财力不够雄厚的公司. We excel at ecommerce companies, and we back up everything we say. We enable them to see the money being added to their bottom line. 我喜欢这样.  进步也是非常令人兴奋的. 我们从一个没有亲戚的地方起家,我们离实现我们的第一个财务目标如此之近. We are nothing if not ambitious, and I don’t see that stopping. 赚钱是件令人兴奋的事. I realise that I am supposed to say something about growing a community, 指导他人或者其他与我们的目标相关的事情. 赚钱不意味着你会增加骂人的次数. 我们可以庆祝——人们关起门来就会庆祝!

I know there are some good agencies out there and I respect those agencies. However, there are a lot that average ones too making lots of money. 客户不仅仅是钱——客户还有家和家人/朋友需要照顾. 如果我们允许糟糕的表现和虚荣心指标,我们就没有以诚信和责任行事. 我们正在纠正数字世界的错误,并教育客户他们应该期待什么. It is no longer acceptable to be mediocre and the more we can educate and inform, 数字营销世界就会变得越好. 潮流的背后是人. People are arguments, celebrations, memories – good and bad. 我们可以影响结果.

最后,我对这支球队的未来感到兴奋. At times, as the idiot in the room, I feel like the anchor holding them back. 它们真的会飞,我相信它们会的.


We’ve recently launched a new training programme for PPC – Ad:Versity. 我们希望为那些没有预算外包的人提供一个机会,让他们仍然有机会接受专家培训. 分享 our knowledge, so they can improve their own PPC results. 它主要是为希望开始在内部使用PPC的营销人员或企业主或那些目前在内部使用PPC但希望使用更高级功能和跟踪的营销人员设计的. It’s also great for junior PPC executives looking to advance. 

培训课程由我们的PPC主管主持, Dave Karellen拥有超过11年的经验,他设计了该课程,引导客户从基本设置到跟踪, 先进的优化和性能自动化. 他很在行.


  • Learn Google-level PPC from an expert without leaving your desk
  • Own your PPC account and save that third-party spend as you get set up
  • 用基于视频的模块按自己的节奏学习, 与水平开始从初级到高级-完美的那些开始或那些谁想要打扮自己的知识
  • Grow your revenue without growing your marketing budget

我们认为每个人都应该有机会获得最好的资源,这个在线培训课程使人们能够访问. 它也不会使银行破产. 奖金.

谁是你心目中的行业英雄? (Or if there are no heroes, who can you recommend others to follow)

There are some really cool agencies that I respect, and that have seen amazing growth. 我非常尊重那些将公司发展到数百万英镑而不降低质量的代理老板. I also admire agencies who make their own path, don’t imitate and are brave. 就人而言, I don’t know many in the industry as my views prevent invites to events, 判断,甚至可能建立关系网. 不然我就是个笨蛋.

I would suggest following and admiring anyone who tells the truth on social media. 这包括消极和质疑, 哪个是科学的先决条件, 逻辑, 可以作为基准的数字和东西. The things that real life and civilisation is built upon. 不是绝对的小马,比如“不要比较自己”,“幸福不是财富”和其他类似的东西. 那些值得追随的人将是负责任的,并且他们的建议可以被一些有形的东西所证实. 它们将具有你可以证明或反驳的价值, and they will welcome curious minds questioning their viewpoint. 简而言之, if an agency owner uses personal 品牌ing agencies or bangs on about being authentic, 善良, 文化, 或者任何大多数人想读的东西, 这些人不适合我. Commenting on Steven Bartlett or Justin Welch posts… have a word.

Make your own mind up on heroes and consider the purpose of their posts. Pictures from an agency’s latest social for example… who and what is that for? 当你揭开面纱的时候就很明显了. Everything you see and consume is for external validation, there is always an agenda.

枪指着我的头? 我想说,我的英雄是那些拥有大量社会追随者的人,如果他们吹的烟足够多,他们就会回头. 或者我们想要的客户. 这显然是2023年的正确答案. # Gymshark.

Failing that… Sarah Wilson Blackwell, Mike Winnet, Dan Kelsall and Rosa Mitchell.

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