
Datacentreplus Business Director’s Guide to Remote Working Without a Glitch

As we go into a third lockdown, 我们看到许多企业都在重新调整他们的战略,遗憾的是,我们也看到许多朋友和深受喜爱的企业最后一次关门. These are people who have done so much for Manchester and the North West; people who are more charitable and caring than they are credited for.

作为一个国家,我们目前面临的挑战意味着拥有多名员工的办公室面临着巨大的风险. In line with government regulations, 我们去年决定改变我们工作的方式和地点,以确保我们保护自己和他人的安全. Although now most of us only get to catch up with colleagues through a screen, 我们还在媒体城门口运营着一个数据中心,并努力确保一切顺利运行,尤其是在封锁期间.

How are 数据中心s adapting to the challenge of Covid-19?

我们的 数据中心 允许各种规模的企业将其服务器安全地安置在高度安全的环境中, with guaranteed power and connectivity. 它雇佣了许多高技能的工程师,他们在孤立的气泡中工作,并将继续在轮流轮班的团队中工作. 数据中心 支持 team is the engine of our business, providing 支持 and technical assistance (for example, on migration services and backup solutions) and will always be based on-site. 我们采取了一系列预防措施,以确保我们的员工能够继续在符合最新政府指导方针的安全环境中工作. 

Embracing the future of remote working 

然而, 作为一个整体, we have seen big changes in how we operate as a business, especially when it comes to our office-based staff. 像很多企业一样, we’ve adapted our strategies and embraced remote working (with our admin, 销售和营销团队(非现场)确保一流的客户支持,并帮助客户确保在线存在——这在某些情况下变得至关重要. 

记住这一点, 我们为目前正在考虑远程工作的人整理了一些注意事项, alternative hosting solutions and IT services and what they entail. 

Remote Desktop Solutions  

2019冠状病毒病继续改变着商业格局,在家办公的员工比以往任何时候都多,对电子商务的需求也在增加 remote desktop services. 我们已经看到越来越多的企业希望从全国各地连接到他们的数据, 维护业务协作,确保安全可靠地访问桌面应用程序,尽量减少中断. 

At Datacentreplus, we have the ability to assist clients with our own secure remote working solutions, offering a full desktop experience just as you are used to, but with more flexibility, greater security and better pricing. 现实情况是,未来大多数企业至少需要部分员工能够访问远程桌面应用程序.

Server Hosting and Colocation 

The demand for temporary office solutions, with many set to close, 是否为企业寻找其他地方来存储或设置服务器铺平了道路 专用的服务器 to assist with this transition. Recently, there has been a surge in clients looking to 把 他们的设备, 其中许多人我们都能以优惠的价格与他们签订短期合同, helping businesses continue to function as we move into the New Year. 

远程工作,工具 & resources – what should I consider?

As part of our insight into employee remote working, 斯蒂芬·霍布森, Business Director at Datacentreplus, shares his insight and top tips on remote working, his choice of collaborative tools and resources, the importance of cybersecurity and how you can get that CRM working!   

What’s your advice when it comes to managing your team remotely?

仔细选择你所选择的工具并确保每个人都能尝试使用它们是很重要的. 的数量 变焦 视频通话失败; 谷歌去 打嗝和 微软团队 tantrums last year made it clear that no matter what position the staff member is in, 为你的员工提供一个简单的指南,告诉他们如何使用你选择的工作工具,这是个好主意, rather than assuming everyone will 得到它 马上. It’s important to note, not every meeting needs a video call, 有时候,一个老式的电话会议就能确保你的团队走上正轨. 

Since the start of lockdown, 所有国家的用户都在使用变焦(以及其他类似的基于云的服务)等应用程序. 摩根大通(JPMorgan)分析师斯特林•奥蒂(Sterling Auty)表示,第三方数据显示,变焦的日使用量有所上升 300%以上 from before the pandemic forced workers into their homes. 同样的, Microsoft says there has been a 增加775% in growth in Teams’ calling and meeting monthly users in a one-month period in Italy, where social distancing or shelter-in-place orders have been enforced.

How important are Microsoft Office 365 and G Suite to your work?

Office 365 是世界上最流行的软件套件之一,企业依靠它来进行沟通吗, create documents and record task-based activities. 同样的, G套房1S因其用户友好且多功能的基于云的生产力服务而被广泛使用. 现在可能是审查和评估您的业务协作工具和内部软件的好时机,以提高员工在家工作时的生产力和工作效率. 

How can you manage the risk of cyber threats? 

由于家庭工作环境设置的未知因素,远程工作可能会增加网络损坏和环境受到攻击的风险. 一个完整的审计和规则集通常需要那些在家工作,并与某人完成一个 full cybersecurity check is often a good way to manage the risk of cyber threats. 这项服务通常以合理的价格提供,可以在早期为企业节省时间和金钱. 

What’s even more worrying, the fact that cybersecurity threats have not diminished, but instead evolving and becoming more frequent. 根据 Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2020, 近一半的企业(46%)和四分之一的慈善机构(26%)报告称,在过去12个月里遭遇过网络安全漏洞或攻击. 过去一年左右的时间为恶意黑客提供了机会,正如英国所看到的那样 增加31% in cyber crime amid the pandemic it has been reported, especially concerning hacking through email and social media.

Chris Ashcroft , Head of Technical Services, at Datacentreplus says: 

“网络安全审计对组织来说是一个有价值的工具,有助于减轻安全漏洞的后果. 对于那些可能还没有记录其内部和外部风险的企业来说,这甚至更重要, vulnerabilities and threat exposure”.

How important is your CRM System for your business?  

Now could be a great time to get that CRM working. If it has been broken or simply needs tweaking, now may be a good time to better engage with your customers. According to Salesforce, 60%的客户互动现在发生在网上,2020年,营销人员对人工智能的使用激增了186%, 强调企业如何寻求业务数字化,以及技术如何推动创新的客户体验. Luckily here at Datacentreplus, we spent a lot of time with our sister company and Salesforce 专家 Sandyx系统 to make sure everything is set up correctly.

当你的团队想要有效地在家工作时,这些只是一些需要考虑的因素. We always welcome anyone looking for a fast, UK alternative 数据中心 who provides great 支持 and assistance – 0161 464 6101.


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