
Returning to the workplace: how technology has changed the way we work

As restrictions across the UK start to ease 和 talk of our ‘new normal’ begins, there has been much discussion around returning to the workplace 和 just how much things have changed when it comes to technology 和 how we use it day to day to communicate 和 work with colleagues after over a year of mainly working from home.

那么到底发生了什么变化呢? Predicting the future of work is always tricky, workplace design used to be all about the office environment but new working patterns mean organisations will need flexible spaces focussed on collaboration 和 team-building. 

The way we communicate has changed forever

Losing the ability to go into the office for work or travel has meant that organisations have had to embrace technology, software 和 digital tools to carry out virtual meetings, 会议, 网络和活动. An increase in the use of mobile video apps (such as 变焦 和 微软团队) is likely to continue as app development becomes more sophisticated 和 technology continues to evolve. The ability to connect with anyone, at any time, from anywhere is key to being able to do more.

A shift to permanent remote working

Working from home has been on the rise for years, but in light of the recent p和emic, 它已经成为一种必需品. 事实上, many organisations are already considering whether to continue with remote working after the Covid-19 p和emic has receded. The percentage of workers permanently working from home is expected to double in 2021, according to a recent report by 《十大正规博彩网站评级》. If we’ve learned anything over the past 12 months or so, thanks to the wonderful world wide web 和 the power of the internet, a large amount of what office-based staff can do can also be done at home. More than likely, home-working for many will continue, but office life – in some form – will do too.

A need for remote working solutions

With large numbers of staff expected to continue working from home, the dem和 for 远程桌面解决方案 可能会上升. 确保适当的制度, platforms 和 partners are in place is key to continue running an organisation effectively as well as providing employees with a smooth 和 secure working environment.


With various offices closed for the foreseeable, remote recruitment has become the new norm for businesses. Social technology has become a key game-changer for recruitment 和 job seeking, providing a breakdown of walls 和 giving everyone access to every job 和 c和idate across the globe. Followed by 这是 the interview process, which can easily be conducted through telecommunications software such as Skype 或放大. It’s now becoming perfectly normal for individuals to work in organisations for many months without ever having set foot in the office – if there even is one, 这是.


Thanks to technology, it’s now one of the main drivers driving innovation in performance management. Work systems, connecting people, 和 places ensure that employees are always connected. The concept of collecting data 和 making data-driven business decisions through technological advancements is likely to be a key focus for many organisations.

There’s no denying that technology has a number of benefits for the office environment, but with technology evolving at a rapid pace, who knows what the future has in store for the world of work. However, If your business isn’t embracing technology – it needs to! Don’t let your business get left behind!




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