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Black lives are at stake - here's what you can do to help

Heart shaped poster reading, Black lives matter. Every single one.

, DfE Digital 

The past few months have been hard for most of us, particularly for people of colour, and especially for Black people. 在这篇文章中,我将解释为什么会这样,以及这在日常生活中意味着什么. 我还会讲到为什么我们需要体谅我们的同事,并仔细考虑我们作为一个组织的政策.

Coronavirus has made life much harder

这对每个人来说都是压力——我们都不得不限制我们的个人自由. We have much less access to our family and friends. Constraints have been put on our ability to work. Many now have to do constant childcare. And there’s the financial impact for people out of work. 所有这些都是在持续的不确定性和对感染冠状病毒的恐惧之上.

Black and BAME people are more at risk

想象一下,作为一个有色人种,在所有正在发生的事情中,是什么感觉. For us, 在过去的一个月里,有大量的信息显示,长得像我们的人的死亡率高得不成比例.

尽管全球最大的博彩平台ame死亡率的信息是明确的, the understanding and logic as to why, is only partial. 一些人说,这仅仅与潜在的健康状况有关, 哪些不同的种族更可能有(这在很大程度上被证明是错误的). 或者维生素D缺乏是原因之一,因为我们的皮肤不容易吸收阳光. This theory has little evidence behind it, although that said, I still take a Vitamin D supplement every morning.

What is the main reason behind so many deaths

The 2 recent Public Health England reports (COVID-19: Review of disparities in risks and outcomes and COVID-19: understanding the impact on BAME communities)请注意,贫困是冠状病毒诊断和死亡的主要指标之一. 英国的少数民族在生活的几乎每个领域都经历着根深蒂固的劣势,包括:

  • healthcare
  • educational outcomes
  • interaction with the justice system
  • access to secure employment
  • access to housing

该报告还承认,在一线基本服务部门工作的BAME人员比例要高得多. They are far more exposed to infection.

在过去的两周里,这些数字变得更加具体. 英国公共卫生部门报告称,黑人最有可能被诊断出感染冠状病毒,孟加拉国人最有可能死于冠状病毒.

想象一下每天醒来看到这些头条新闻是什么感觉, and how anxious it would make you, your family and your friends.


News about racist crimes adds to our mental load

As well as coronavirus, 在美国,全球最大的博彩平台种族动机的事件和谋杀的报道层出不穷.

It started with Ahmaud Arbery who was killed while he was jogging.

Breona Taylor 在自己的公寓里睡觉时被警察杀死了.

Amy Cooper 被拍到试图武装警察,并利用她的白人身份对付克里斯蒂安·库珀(一个非洲裔美国人)。.

George Floyd 在一次逮捕中被警察用膝盖抵住脖子超过8分钟后被警察杀死, even though he kept yelling that he couldn't breathe.


As a result, 人们游行抗议,声援“黑人的命也是命”运动, across the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.

It’s not just America

而在英国,我们通常认为我们没有像美国那样大规模的种族主义, you need only consider the names of: Stephen Lawrence, Mark Duggan, Cherry Groce, Dalian Atkinson, Jean Charles de Menenzes, Smiley Culture, Jimmy Mubenga, Darren Cumberbatch, Nunu Cardoso, Olaseni Lewis, Sean Rigg, Daniel Adewole, Julian Cole, and Sarah Reed to know that is blatantly untrue.

全球最大的博彩平台与冠状病毒有关的BAME死亡人数不成比例的新闻报道, and the racialised murders, shines a light on the clear inequity in our systems, both in the United States and the United Kingdom.

Our colleagues are exhausted

Black people feel like they’re under attack. With coronavirus and racism, it feels like we’re at war. 社交媒体和新闻过载对精神的影响会使人完全衰弱, particularly for 黑人女性患普通精神疾病的比例已经高于白人女性.

How you can help

你能做的最重要的事情之一就是体谅你的同事. 当前事件对白人和有色人种的影响非常不同. 现在确实需要小心和尊重少数民族的感情.

每个人对公共卫生部门的报告和乔治·弗洛伊德谋杀案的反应将会不同. 但对于有色人种来说,他们的反应很可能会沉浸在某种形式的情绪中,无论是愤怒, disbelief, sadness, grief, defensiveness, anxiety or distress. 这是因为我们现在收到的信息是,黑人的生命对大多数人来说并不重要.

As people who work in the public sector, 我们在道德和法律上有责任制定政策,考虑并包括每个人,而不管他们的人口构成. 随着“新常态”的出现,我们需要抓住这一时机,创造新的历史. One in which people, regardless of race, can expect to exist in a society which cares for them, and which is truly built for them.

Find out more

为了更好地理解我在这篇文章中提到的问题,这里有一些有用的书. I also recommend this video of David R. Williams talking about how racism makes us sick.

‘Me And White Supremacy’ by Layla Saad

‘Brit(ish): On Race, Identity and Belonging’ by Afua Hirsch

‘Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race’ by Reni Eddo-Lodge

‘White Fragility’ by Robin DiAngelo

‘So You Want to Talk About Race’ by Ijeoma Oluo

‘Natives’ by Akala

‘Black and British: a Forgotten History’ by David Olusoga

‘Racism at Work: the Danger of Indifference’ by Binna Kandola

‘How to Argue With a Racist’ by Adam Rutherford

‘How To Be Antiracist’ by Ibram X. Kendi

《我还在这里:为白人而生的世界里黑人的尊严 Austin Channing Brown

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