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无论你是第一次进入BFCM的小企业,还是准备第六次进入BFCM的经验丰富的数字营销机构(我们是后者)。, there’s always something new to learn.

We wanted to ask our expert paid social execs, web devs, PPC execs, email marketers, 平面设计师和文案建议你进入另一个高强度的广告冒险. 继续往下读,看看他们的建议,让2022年成为你最成功的黑色星期五.

Organisation is Key - Aimee, Head of Copy.

“如果说我从与DMT合作的黑色星期五中学到了什么,那就是组织是关键. 任何和我一起工作的人都知道我是多么喜欢把我的每一天分成一张清单, 但我不能强调它对黑色星期五/网络周的疯狂有多重要. It keeps me sane - and wine helps, too.”

Stick to a Plan - Ellie, Email Marketing Executive.


Simple and Clear Copy - Hannah, Copywriter.

“Keep your promotion as simple as possible! During the Black Friday period, consumers will be hit with a huge influx of content, so it's important to avoid going OTT. Drive up the FOMO, 使用全面折扣,并使你的促销尽可能清晰,以避免任何混乱.”

Update Your Flows - Jamie, Email Marketing Team Manager.

“If you’re running a sitewide promotion, 确保将其添加到所有正确的流(主页弹出式), Exit Intent Pop-up, Welcome Series, and Abandoned Cart, as well as campaign templates). 您还应该意识到,现有的折扣可能会叠加在BFCM折扣之上, so make sure that these are temporarily disabled!”

Adapt Your Copy - Joe, Copy Team Manager.

“BFCM is all about who shouts the loudest. 愿意调整你的品牌语气,让它更有销售色彩, and encourage FOMO wherever possible. 如果你认为你的产品可能会卖光, you better make sure the customer knows it.”

A Good Offer = New Customers - Lauren, Head of PPC.

“Make your offer compelling. 不要只是把它当作一个摆脱不需要的库存的机会——黑色星期五是一个获得新客户的机会,否则他们不会购买你的品牌/产品. 在BFCM期间扩展新客户获取活动将在之后带来红利,因为这些新客户中有一部分会再次购买你的产品, so factor repeat purchase rates into decision making.” - Lauren, Head of PPC.

Seasonality Adjustments - Lucy, PPC Executive.

“Best suited for promotions lasting 1-7 days, 季节性调整允许谷歌广告商根据预期和预测的旺季转化率提升来调整出价策略. 因为智能竞标专注于长期的季节性事件和趋势, 季节性调整作为短期事件的额外层,允许机器学习以更快的速度适应临时的CVR峰值.”


“Build and warm up your audiences beforehand, 因为在iOS14做出改变后,第一方数据变得如此重要.5. Go heavy on content creation to stand out from the crowd, 尽早启动你的促销活动,目的是在主要活动之前离开学习阶段. Being in the learning phase on Meta can break your Q4, 所以保持AD的变化到最小-它弊大于利!”

Time Management is Key - Ollie, Copywriter.

“Get ahead of yourself. 确保你与团队的其他成员保持一致,知道需要做什么. 从长远来看,早点开始,做好每件事都会减轻很多压力,并确保那些最后一刻的担忧可以很容易地缓解.”

Stand Out from the Crowd - Regan, Design Team Manager.

“Make sure your ads are original. 试着远离一般的销售风格,试着在feed中脱颖而出. It’ll make you much more likely to get that conversion.”

Gather Assets Ahead of Time - Sam, PPC Executive.

“我们希望确保我们的客户及时发送了他们的宣传,资产和预算. The earlier we get our hands on this stuff, 我们就有更多的时间为电子商务日历上最重要的一天制作更高质量的广告.”


“From a business strategy perspective, 提前计划并在营销日历上标记重要日期和关键促销活动. 确定是否有什么你可以从去年带到今年, like demand for certain products, trends, and competitor analysis. 然后在整个团队中进行沟通,以确保每个人都知道自己的角色,并在高峰时期尽可能顺利地运作.”

Start Building Your Database Now - Tim, Head of Design.

“从10月份开始在Facebook上运行lead gen,并将其整合到你的ESP中. 收集对早期访问和独家黑色星期五优惠感兴趣的潜在客户的电子邮件地址. 拥有一个庞大的对你的交易感兴趣的用户数据库,将确保你在BFCM期间最大限度地提高潜在回报.” 

Don’t Stress - Tom, Paid Social Manager.

“如果结果看起来缓慢,不要在当天感到压力. Conversions are delayed in Meta & Google Analytics. The conversions will come!”

Hopefully, 在阅读了专家的建议后,你会觉得自己为2022年的黑色星期五做好了准备. If not, have no fear! Digital Media Team are here to help. Whether you need to rebuild your Shopify site, get Performance Max ads up on Google, refresh your Email Marketing Flows or get some new paid social ads live, we’ve got experts for every step of the way. 与我们取得联系,了解我们如何使您的业务变得更好.

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