
It can provide you with an initial draft so that you can start thinking about whether it works, 或者根据自己的需要进行调整.

当然, we should all be using AI in our roles as marketers and copywriters as it is a great way to automate repetitive tasks.

AI copywriting is not only faster than human-written copy, it's also more effective. With AI copywriting, you get high quality content at a faster speed than ever before.

Could you tell that the above two paragraphs were written by an AI copywriter?


首先, the phrasing of “human touch” when talking about writing 博客, 电子邮件, 或者其他形式的复制只是有点不同. 你的平均, run-of-the-mill copywriter probably wouldn’t use those words, 但这并不是一个巨大的错误.

Grammar seems to be the main issue regarding AI copywriting, as the tool effectively copies phrases and sentences from the interweb and then restructures them to form complete sentences.

乍一看, we noticed three grammar errors/mistakes in the first couple of paragraphs of this blog:

  • You don’t necessarily need the comma in the sentence “... 全球最大的博彩平台它是否有效或调整……”
  • There should be a comma after “copywriters” in the sentence “... 作为营销人员和文案……”
  • There should be a hyphen in between “high” and “quality” in the last sentence

现在, most people would just read past these mistakes without thinking too 多 about them, 但是作为文案, our eyes have been trained to pick up mistakes within pieces of text. 这是一个严重的诅咒.

但人工智能文案值得吗? 我们会说不. 尽管如此, if you’re interested in learning a little more about AI copywriting, keep reading as we break down what it is and why we’re still a little while away from it taking over.


When it comes to AI copywriting, you can essentially think of it as 人工智能复制文字 因为这正是正在发生的事情. 

人工智能文案工具是机器学习, meaning they scour the internet and look for certain patterns between words to then form a full sentence. Anything that’s available online is subject to an AI copywriter’s learning and usage. 是的, even the words in your annoying Uncle’s Facebook rant about the local bakery running out of pork pies are subjected to an AI copywriter’s scanning.

如果你使用人工智能文案工具, all you’d have to do is fill out a few prompts and leave it to do its thing. Most of the time, you can get full sentences or even paragraphs in just a few seconds.

最重要的是, 人工智能文案是一个很大的问题, 多, 这样写标题就快多了, 博客, 以及介于两者之间的所有东西. Writing and editing copy can be a 非常 lengthy process, especially if you have other tasks that take precedence.

这一切听起来都很棒,不是吗? 好吧,我们仍然是*非常* long way away from AI copywriting becoming the norm. 这是为什么.



A big issue with AI copywriting is proofreading, in that there is none. 在2022年下半年, KFC Germany was forced to apologise for an AI-generated app notification that was deemed "insensitive and unacceptable". 

这条推文提到了水晶之夜, 或是碎玻璃之夜, in which Nazis carried out pogroms against Jewish individuals in Germany and Austria on the nights of the 9th and 10th of November 1938.

The fast-food chain released the notification, "It's memorial day for Kristallnacht! Treat yourself with more tender cheese on your crispy chicken. 现在在肯德基!" after automating notifications from a bot linked to national observances.

The AI-generated app notifications were quickly suspended, but plenty of people saw this one before KFC could intervene.


每个人写的和说的都不一样, 这意味着所有的文案都会写他们的博客, 电子邮件, and even text messages in a different tone of voice to the next one.

AI algorithms generate content based on patterns and data across the internet, and while they can produce content at incredible speeds, 它通常缺乏创造力和原创性. 

人工智能文案工具都以同样的方式写作. 确定, you can include in the tool's prompt for it to write in a humorous, 吓坏了, 复杂的或讽刺的语气, but you could get e非常 other AI copywriting tool to write in those TOVs, 听起来也差不多. 


As mentioned above, AI copywriters scour the internet for patterns in order to form sentences. If the algorithm comes across some false information in its hunt to accomplish your prompt, it won’t stop at using that information to its own benefit.

然后, if you decide not to proofread the work that the tool has presented to you before uploading it somewhere, you’re putting out false information with your name on it, 这可能会引发一些负面反应.

网上有很多免费的人工智能文案工具, 所以如果你想的话,你可以玩一下, but we’d always recommend the real deal and utilising the work and efforts of real-life copywriters.

