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With its rapid rise to fame, there have been a lot of misconceptions about the app. 谁能想到Z世代的舞蹈视频峰会会成为一种全球现象? It’s been a topic of debate since its launch, 它真的只是一个发布短时间病毒视频的平台吗, or is there longevity to it?

To help uncover the mystery surrounding it, 我们进行了深入研究,揭穿了阻碍TikTok发展的六大误解!

TikTok is only for Gen Z

全球最大的博彩平台这个最常见的误解之一是,TikTok只适合青少年和Z世代. 任何30岁以下的人都不会花大把时间刷TikTok, would they? 

Actually, yes. They would. 事实上,据估计,TikTok用户的多样性比我们预期的要大得多. Last year, 36% of TikTok users 年龄在35-54岁之间. And another recent study found that 52% of users were 35 years old or older!

Additionally, 实际上,使用TikTok的年轻一代略有下降——18 - 24岁用户的比例从39%大幅下降到2021年的32%, which suggests that on the whole, Z世代现在是TikTok用户中的少数!

TikTok is purely for entertainment

When TikTok burst onto the scene, 凭借其小众趋势和病毒式传播的舞蹈视频,它成为了娱乐和用户生成内容的中心. 虽然它可能主要被称为娱乐应用程序, like all other social media networks, it’s also become a high-grossing marketing tool.

TikTok Shop 在社交商务方面的进步证明了它的盈利能力. 品牌和企业都开始利用应用内付费社交广告和实时购物体验! 

2021年,TikTok被证明是非常有利可图的! The app generated an estimated $4.6 billion in revenue, which is an increase of 142% year-on-year. 如果你正在寻找提高品牌收益的方法, 沿着TikTok商店的路线走下去(如果你还没有)可能会适合你!

Followers help your content go viral 

Just like with most social media sites, 人们通常认为,你的追随者越多, the more successful your content will be. This might be true to some extent, but when it comes to TikTok, followers don’t always equal viral content. 

Instagram和Twitter等平台严重依赖关注者数量. However, with the way TikTok’s algorithm is structured, 任何人走红的几率都要高得多!

The algorithm can work by pinpointing users that might enjoy your content and relies on a whole range of factors such as; a user's previous watch history, hashtag searches, current location and interests.

如果你担心如何在TikTok上获得关注, 你可以放心,算法是站在你这边的. 它会尝试和测试尽可能多的不同算法,使你的视频在整个应用程序的海啸内容中脱颖而出. Using trending hashtags, 声音和重现病毒式流行趋势(无论它们看起来多么俗气)将有助于提高你的算法!

TikTok users aren’t as engaged as other apps

当TikTok首次推出时,视频的最长长度为15秒. TikTok用户不可能沉浸在内容中,因为他们在几分钟内观看了多个视频,这很快成为一种普遍的误解.

However, 因为它越来越受欢迎,而且需要与Instagram和Twitter等其他社交媒体平台竞争, 今年年初,时间限制被提高到10分钟,这与它最初开始的时候有了很大的不同! 

With the increased video length, 以及为病毒式传播趋势做出贡献的意愿, TikTok’s audiences have become highly engaged. On average, users will watch around 24 hours of content on the app each month, and 90% of users access the app every day!

TikTok is a short-lived phase

With the fast-paced social sphere, 很容易说,我们所依赖的社交应用将成为一个短暂的阶段(还记得Bebo和Myspace的日子吗?). 因为多年来,许多社交网络来来去去, 许多人都在思考,TikTok是否会遭遇同样不合时宜的命运.

尽管抖音总有可能有销售截止日期, 不可否认,这个平台已经变得非常受欢迎. Each month, TikTok racks up over 1 billion active users,显然给观众留下了深刻的印象. Over 43% of TikTok 用户在平台上看到新东西后会尝试新东西 72% of users find adverts on the app inspiring. 所以很明显,这不仅仅是一个短暂的阶段! 

“Serious” brands shouldn’t use TikTok

全球最大的博彩平台TikTok的最后一个误解是,如果你是一个声誉良好的品牌,它就不适合你. As TikTok is known for being a more ‘quirky’ app, 用户通常认为专业品牌不应该或不会成为其中的一部分.

In reality, 大多数品牌现在都在调整他们的营销策略,将TikTok纳入其中,这让他们受益匪浅! 瑞安航空(RyanAir)和多邻国(Duolingo)等公司因其独特的内容和紧跟病毒式传播趋势的能力而走红. Both are considered corporate businesses, 但他们在社交媒体上的表现提高了他们的声誉,使他们迅速获得成功!

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