
Why Traditional Attribution Models Are Making Way for Data-Driven Strategies


最近, you may have received an email from Google informing you that starting from May 2023, 几种归因模型, 包括首次点击, 线性, 时间衰减, 和定位, 将会退休. But don’t worry; this change brings exciting opportunities for better data analysis and decision-making.


The primary reason behind this change is the significant drop in the use of rules-based attribution models. 随着 数据驱动的归因 (DDA), fewer than 3% of conversion actions in Google Ads currently use these models. DDA has become the default choice due to its broad adoption and accessibility for all businesses, 不管他们的数据需求如何.

DDA has been around for three years now and has been widely embraced by the majority of 我们的客户 在4号门. It offers a more holistic view of the 客户的旅程, making it an invaluable tool for modern marketers.


Here are some key principles and components of 数据驱动的归因:

  • 数据收集: Successful implementation of DDA begins with collecting detailed data on user interactions and conversions. This data can originate from various sources, such as web analytics, ad platforms, and CRM systems.
  • 多点触控归因: DDA recognizes that 客户的旅程s are complex, involving multiple touchpoints across various channels. It moves beyond simplistic single-touch attribution models to provide a more comprehensive view of the customer experience.
  • 算法模型: DDA utilises advanced algorithms and machine learning models to analyze data and assign credit to each touchpoint based on its true influence on conversions. It considers factors like the order of touchpoints and time lags between interactions.
  • 加权信用: 而不是平等对待所有接触点, DDA assigns varying weights to each touchpoint based on its contribution. Touchpoints with a more significant impact on conversions receive a greater share of the credit.
  • 定制: DDA models can be customised to align with specific business goals and objectives, allowing you to emphasise certain touchpoints or channels that are critical to your marketing strategy.
  • 持续优化DDA是一个持续的过程. As new data becomes available and customer behaviour evolves, the attribution model can be retrained and optimized to accurately reflect the changing landscape.
  • 可行的见解: Insights from DDA empower marketers to make informed decisions about budget allocation, 活动优化, 还有频道选择. It offers a granular view of which marketing efforts drive results.

In summary, 数据驱动的归因 is a data-driven approach that accurately represents the 客户的旅程 and how credit should be assigned to various touchpoints. It enables you to make more informed decisions with your data, which is why the older attribution models are no longer needed.


If you’re wondering what attribution model to use in the wake of these changes, the answer is clear. When 数据驱动的归因 was introduced, it quickly became the preferred choice. However, for accounts with limited data sets, we often recommended Last-Click Attribution.

But keep in mind that Last-Click Attribution has its limitations:

  • 它忽略了整个客户旅程.
  • It often misrepresents the influence of various marketing channels.
  • It overvalues late-stage touchpoints and undervalues early-stage ones.
  • 它没有考虑跨渠道的影响.
  • It provides limited insights into customer behaviour.
  • It can lead to inefficient resource allocation.
  • 这使得活动优化具有挑战性.

与此形成鲜明对比的是, 数据驱动的归因 offers a more comprehensive and accurate view of your marketing performance. It’s the way forward for data-driven decision-making.

In conclusion, embrace 数据驱动的归因 whenever possible. 如果你受限于有限的数据集, use Last-Click Attribution temporarily to transition to DDA as your data matures. This shift promises more precise insights and improved marketing strategies for your business.

If you have any questions or need assistance with this transition, don’t hesitate to 全球最大的博彩平台4号门的团队. We’re here to help you navigate this transition, 优化你的策略, 并取得优异的成绩.

Contact us today to embark on a data-driven journey toward marketing success!



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