
生命中的一天: 开放的安东尼, 内容设计, DWP Digital

Ever wondered what it's like to work at one of Greater Manchester's leading tech employers or what specific job roles get up to each day?

开放的安东尼是DWP Digital的内容设计师.

我们采访了她,以了解更多全球最大的博彩平台这个角色的信息, her experience at DWP Digital and what an average day looks like.

名称: 开放的安东尼
公司: DWP Digital 
职称: 内容设计


I went through an interview process with a panel of three interviewers who hold senior positions here at DWP Digital.

大家可以想象, 这有点吓人, but I just had to let go of the nerves and remember that I was called to interview for a reason. I talked about my past experiences and answered some competency-based questions; I was happy to learn that I did well and was offered the job.

What do you enjoy most about working at DWP Digital?

的团队合作! It’s a very collaborative and open environment therefore help is always there when you need it. The community of 内容设计s specifically has many get-togethers where we offer help to one another with our various projects. It’s really lovely to know that I can go to anyone within the wider community at DWP Digital, 除了我的直属团队, 并得到支持. 我不得不说, I don't think I've ever worked anywhere that values collaboration as much as my team does here at DWP Digital. And even with that, I'm still trusted to get on with things and deliver good work independently.


I have a hybrid working pattern so whether I’m working from home or in the office, I attend a catch-up meeting with my team every morning. 在这之前, I’ll start my day by reminding myself of my plans and noting down anything I need to raise in the meeting. 一旦结束, I'll begin to work through my daily to-do list (which will likely be broken up by more meetings with members of my team and/or other key stakeholders).

如果你还没有猜到的话, 我是一名内容设计师, 现在, my attention is split between the work I was brought in to carry out and, 作为一个后果, other secondary responsibilities as a resource to other teams. 我每天的任务清单包括:

  • reviewing articles on some of DWP Digital’s internal web pages
  • 提出改进的想法, or assessing how previously discussed improvements can be applied
  • feeding back suggestions and reviewing suggestions from team members involved in my projects
  • 作为一个团队讨论最好的方法, taking into account the pros and cons of each suggestion.

大家可以想象, each day brings its own surprises so I often deal with impromptu requests and the challenges that may come with them.

What is it like starting a new job /working remotely during the pandemic?

I’m surprisingly well-adjusted to starting a new job from home due to the pandemic; in fact, my role at DWP Digital will be my third time doing this! I like having the option to work from home sometimes as it allows for more flexibility.

特别是在DWP Digital, it’s been a very thorough process - from when I collected my IT equipment to getting set up and ready for my first day.

What excites you the most about the work at DWP Digital?

Although I've had a lot of experience reviewing content produced by others and going through a similar process as I’ve had to do here, my previous roles have been heavy on content creation. This is the first time my role has been solely focused on problem-solving to improve existing standards. It's one of my greatest strengths so it’s exciting to be given the opportunity to engage this every day.


绝对. Unfortunately, accessibility has never been a key part of any of my previous roles. As a result, it’s not something that I've had to spend much time thinking about. 劳务和退休金部在, I'm starting to learn a lot about inclusivity when it comes to written content and how to ensure the content I produce is user-friendly for those who may experience barriers when interacting with or accessing content.

我也对自己有了更多的了解. 从日常互动中, I've been able to identify areas of personal development, particularly when it comes to backing up and believing in my content decisions. It's now a matter of building on these skills and turning them into strengths.


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