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11 reasons why Flutter is a good mobile app to use for Adobe stores

image of adobe e-commerce app | Foresight Mobile

Google developed Flutter, their open-source UI tool, in 2018. It’s since become a huge deal in mobile app development, and it’s used by major companies like Google, Alibaba, and Uber.

但如果你的企业不是像上面提到的那样的大型跨国企业集团, 为什么要使用Flutter来创建Adobe桌面电子商务商店的应用程序版本?

Let’s take a look.

11 reasons why Flutter is a good mobile app to use for Adobe stores


  1. 高性能:Flutter应用程序被编译成本机代码,这使得它们快速响应. This is especially important for Adobe stores, 它们通常提供广泛的产品和服务,需要高质量的图像, videos, and creative tools.
  2. 漂亮的UI设计:有成千上万的小部件和工具可以创建漂亮而引人入胜的用户界面. 如果你想以最好的方式展示你的产品和服务(为什么不呢?), then Flutter can deliver this effortlessly.
  3. Cross-platform development: Flutter is a cross-platform framework, 这意味着开发者可以同时为Android和iOS设备编写一个代码库. 这意味着你的Adobe商店可以上传到世界上最大的两家移动应用商店, 在开发和维护过程中,你将节省大量的时间和金钱.
  4. 庞大的社区和生态系统:Flutter拥有庞大而活跃的开发者和贡献者社区. 这意味着有大量的资源可以帮助像Foresight Mobile这样的开发者构建更高质量的应用. 还有一个不断增长的第三方插件和软件包生态系统, which will extend the functionality and lifespan of your app.
  5. Adobe XD integration: The Adobe XD-to-Flutter 插件允许像我们这样的开发人员从Adobe XD直接导出您的桌面设计到Flutter代码. Because we don’t need to manually translate the designs into code, this saves us huge amounts of time and vastly reduces errors.
  6. Adobe Experience Platform (AEP)支持:AEP Analytics和AEP Places的Flutter插件允许开发人员将这些功能集成到他们的应用程序中, 帮助您的Adobe商店应用程序收集有关用户行为的数据并跟踪其活动的效果.
  7. 热重新加载:Flutter的热重新加载功能允许开发人员几乎立即看到他们的代码更改反映在应用程序中, without having to restart it. 我们甚至无法告诉你这将如何加速应用开发过程!
  8. Rich widget library: Flutter's UI is built entirely from widgets, 哪些是可重用的组件,可以组合起来创建复杂的用户界面. Flutter广泛的小部件库使我们不必从头开始开发组件, which reduces your overall build fee, and we can put all that saved effort into another aspect of the app build.
  9. 本机外观和感觉:因为Flutter使用Adobe的本机小部件和渲染引擎, 你的应用可以在iOS和Android设备上看起来像原生应用.
  10. 性能和动画功能:Flutter的渲染引擎针对高性能和流畅的动画进行了优化, 确保Adobe商店应用程序提供响应迅速且引人入胜的用户体验. 
  11. 面向未来的技术:因为它已经存在了一段时间,并且背后有谷歌的财务影响力, Flutter一直在不断发展,以适应不断变化的移动应用开发环境. 这确保了Adobe商店可以依靠Flutter来满足他们的长期应用开发需求,而不必担心他们的应用在发布后不久就会过时. 

Get a FREE demonstration

自从Flutter推出以来,我们一直在与它合作,我们已经开发了数百个Adobe电子商务 apps with it in that time. We love it because it’s easy to use and endlessly customisable. You’ll love it because it’ll scale easily with your business needs, 它在不断发展,使你的客户的用户体验更好, and it significantly reduces your build and post-launch maintenance costs.

免费演示您的Adobe商店使用Flutter的样子, book a consultation and speak to an expert member of our team today.

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