

这里是Foresight, a lot of our enquiries are from customers who have a great idea for a mobile app, 但没有足够的钱来完成设计. Or perhaps they want to engage on a “proof of concept” staged delivery.

Even though we use the most efficient development methods available - Google’s Flutter framework - a mobile app is not the cheapest thing to have built. One of our approaches is to develop a Minimum Viable Product - a working “bare bones app - which can be used to showcase to external parties as an investment vehicle.


mvp不仅仅是企业家的专利. Businesses also find MVPs useful as a inexpensive proof of concept before they commit to a more complex, 因此应用程序很昂贵.

As most of our clients are unaware of the processes needed to create a mobile app - and their costs - we can guide them through a design process which is intended to come up with the best designed, 最有吸引力和最具成本效益的应用程序可能-在预算.


Before we commence work on any project we take time to understand the brief, 与持份者接触及, 更重要的是, study existing competitors and clients to ensure we produce a viable product strategy that will deliver results against the customer’s goals. 

每个人都想主宰市场, but in the short term we might target an investment pitch or trial customer. With defined and realistic goals and success criteria we can ensure the next stage of discovery is focused and attainable. It’s important that your success criteria are measurable, so we’ll suggest tools to help with this. 

We’ll visualise your entire product by mapping out personas and user journeys as the first stage of our user story mapping process


When the discovery process is complete and the big picture defined we can move toward defining the product with a user centric view using user stories.

在这个阶段, with our core user journeys defined we can drill down into the interfaces, 使您的产品成为可能的技术和功能. Anything is possible, and we’ll progress all of our ideas to the next stage.

With our outcomes in mind we can prioritise our user stories into releases to ensure we’re providing value and meeting business objectives as early as possible in the process.

线框图 & 交互原型设计


With your product defined by our user story mapping process we can combine this with your brand guidelines and ideas to produce an interactive ‘clickable’ prototype of your app or website.


交互原型是任何UX设计过程中不可或缺的一部分. Delivering a slick user experience should be one of the core project goals of any project – and to achieve good user experience, 你至少需要有一定程度的原型制作过程. 


Having an interactive prototype gives you the ability to flag up any issues before we write a line of code. 这允许你快速迭代你的外观和感觉, 并在开发之前解决任何问题



With your product visually defined by the wire-framing process we can move on to making a full high fidelity design of the application. 这将准确地表示它将如何在设备上表示. We will take all the elements of your brand guidelines and incorporate them into this design stage to complete the look and feel of your application. 


At the end of the design process the application will be ready to start the development phase. You’ll also have the best representation of how the app will look with a high fidelity prototype, 你可以在你的设备上使用,看看它是如何工作的.

想了解更多 ?

If you’d like to find out more about our expert mobile app development services, 点击下面的标志发送我们的查询 !



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