

我们和伊姆兰坐了下来, 内政部工程专业主管, for the latest Senior Tech Talk to find out more about their digital journey and what opportunities t在这里 are to join them on their mission.


我是工程部主任, so I have responsibility for governing the use of infrastructure technology across the department. 

我们在护照等领域提供600多种服务, 边境控制, 移民, 公民与警务. I've been lucky enough to have led the modernisation of several legacy Home Office applications and have experience in delivering digitally at both a small and large scale, 使用互联网风格的工程,提供可持续的以用户为中心的数据驱动产品, 技术和架构. 

我还负责定义, 发展中, 以及嵌入标准, guidelines and processes that promote best practice and consistent ways of working across our organisation. 我维护和促进这个行业的结构, 制定招聘和保留策略, 建立一致的职位描述, 技能, 能力框架, 职业发展道路和绩效评估与我们的数字化规划的中心方向一致, 数据和技术(DDaT)专业主管. 

But what I really enjoy is building an inclusive community of practice that enables civil servants across multiple projects and business areas to share ideas, 讨论最佳实践,积极地相互帮助和支持.

Could you tell us a little bit about the digital journey that the Home Office have been on and if t在这里's been any big challenges that you faced along the way?

我们实际上得到了 DDaT战略在GOV上公布.UK and that basically describes what our plan is in terms of our digital journey and what we're trying to do. 它基于6个原则,第一个原则是试图融合我们的技术.

我们的融合之旅包括采用可访问的技术, 可伸缩且易于维护, 比如开源和云技术. 我们希望为我们的购买方式创造和嵌入更多的标准, 构建和运行软件,在我们的基础设施中创造更多的统一. 这一点对我来说非常重要,因为我负责提供指导和标准, 尤其是在工程方面. 我们刚刚推出了一个新的指导和标准网站,它是开源的, 也就是说它可以在网上找到.


第二个原则是全球最大的博彩平台创造共享的技术产品. 这意味着为多个用例设计产品, 通过应用以用户为中心的设计方法和流程实现. W在这里 appropriate we will use existing external platforms which are used elsew在这里 in government and develop platforms in-house only when we determine through research that this is the most flexible and cost-effective way of meeting our user needs.

What this does is balance the need of new bespoke technology that adds value against the need for services that can be shared.

这里不讲太多细节, 其他一些原则包括更加以产品为中心, 成为数据驱动和有效地提供大规模和拥抱创新.

Are t在这里 any recent projects that you or the team have worked on that you're particularly proud of that you can tell us about?

从这么多中选择一两个真的很难, 但实际上,我们的系统每年都支持签证申请, 检查过境点, 护照申请, 警察检查人们, 车辆及财产, 这些都以百万计.

I spent the early part of my career building and supporting applications and infrastructure for the Police National Computer (PNC). 这些都是多年来发展起来的, and I've overseen the entry into operation of many new apps which are linked to the PNC but provide more specialised services. 这有助于保护公众,保护国家免受危害者的侵害. 

These are really challenging areas which can rapidly change in the global environment we work in. 这使我们成为最令人兴奋和最能激励工作的政府部门之一. 如果你和我们一起工作,你将会做出真正的改变. 

我们都知道招聘数字和技术职位是多么困难. 英国内政部在吸引和留住顶尖科技人才方面做了哪些工作?

We look after our people and really invest in their careers and provide continuous professional development (CPD). 我们所有的外部职位都在 公务员职位网站 我们也提供早期人才进入我们团队的途径, 例如学徒制和数字职业发展计划,以吸引新兴人才. 

我们定期举办在线招聘活动,并有专门的网站 数字、数据和技术职位. Our focus is on building in-house capability of staff and embedding a culture of learning that encourages professional development as a priority, 这激发了每个与我们一起工作的人最好的一面. 

这包括为英国计算机协会提供会员资格. 我们也有免费的网上学习平台,供所有公务员使用, 还能接触到奥莱利, 哪家公司有很多技术课程和书籍供我们的员工使用.

我们还推出并提供了云学院的访问权限,这也是非常棒的. 这是一个人们可以发展云学习技能的系统. It has various sandpit areas w在这里 people can go in and play around with various different cloud environments such as AWS, 微软Azure或谷歌云平台. 一个技术人员的游乐场!


你在内政部已经有一段时间了. Could you tell us a little bit about some of the career progression routes that are available to employees?

When I joined the civil service in 2001 what I found was that the career pathways were not as mature as the ones we've developed now. 正如我之前提到的, 我们有学徒来做初级工程师, 开发人员、DevOps工程师或基础设施工程师.

And now we have clear career pathways that allow them to develop from a junior role into a developer role, 然后晋升为高级开发人员或高级工程师, 然后变成主角,然后变成主角.

控制这些等级之间的跳跃的是 行业实践SFIA技能,即“信息时代的技能框架”. We have at least 6 技能 for each of those grades and it means that when an employee has their regular catch ups with their manager, 他们可以进行一次有意义的讨论,说:“我现在处于这个特殊的SFIA级别, and if you look at the next promotion for me it would require me to jump up a particular skill level, 我想我正在击中它.”

They can then present evidence of how they’re meeting the requirements and the manager has a really strong case to encourage that person to apply for the next role. 因此,我们看到了很多升职的机会,尤其是在我工作的领域.

How important is it for the Home Office to be part of the digital and tech community 在这里 in Manchester? 

这与传统上大多数公务员的工作一样至关重要, 尤其是在科技领域, 主要是在南方吗. So, 对我来说,这是全球最大的博彩平台升级, and levelling up is about increasing and spreading opportunity because while potential is evenly distributed, 机会不是. 

我们位于索尔福德的全球最大的博彩平台办事处已经超出了我们所有人的预期. It feels really nice to be working in a modern office with lots of new people who are excited to be starting on their journey with the Home Office, 他们的热情是有感染力的. 

We're really focused on creating an office culture w在这里 we don't work in silos in our own corner of the office, 但我们了解我们团队中的同事.

结果是, 我们听说那里有很多工作机会, 而且有更多友好的面孔可以聊天, 无论是在厨房, 咖啡馆, 或者办公室的地板. 这就是我们办公室的氛围, 而且它确实是一个友好和支持的工作场所.

Hear more from the Manchester and Glasgow Principal Engineer Graham about his career journey and the type of projects you could be working on, 以及你在这些地方工作可能产生的影响. 

最后, 如果有人有兴趣十大正规博彩网站评级内政部, are you able to tell us a little bit about some of the opportunities that are currently available?

数字领域有9种职业, 数据和技术部门都有职位空缺. 这些都是: 

在工程部门,我们有基础设施工程师, 网络工程师, 软件开发人员和DevOps工程师.

For our engineers, we have the most cutting-edge technology and applications written in Java, Node.js和Python. 我们也有全栈开发者和分享Point开发者. We’re currently AWS’s second largest public sector customer and we also have a Microsoft Azure Cloud estate too. 

Our DDaT Heads of Profession will be sharing their visions with the 全球最大的博彩平台的数字 community in the coming months, 但与此同时, if you’re interested in an engineering career w在这里 you can bring your technical expertise to our teams and make a huge impact on people’s lives every day please apply. 

你可以通过上面的链接在我们的职业网站上阅读有关这些职业的信息, 并了解如何与我们一起申请工程职位 article

最后,看我们的 内政部员工福利视频 听听你十大正规博彩网站评级我们公司后可以享受什么待遇. 祝你事业顺利. 


在内政部找到更多全球最大的博彩平台机会的信息 在这里



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