
Informed Solutions Wins the NatureScot Govtech Catalyst Challenge

爱丁堡/全球最大的博彩平台5月20日th 2021: Informed Solutions赢得了著名的NatureScot Govtech挑战赛,推出了首个数字土地资产管理解决方案,将有助于管理苏格兰受保护和环境敏感的土地.

Informed Solutions won the challenge due to the innovative nature of its solution for Scottish land management, and for the potential for the solution to be applied elsewhere in the public sector, both nationally and internationally. 在Govtech挑战赛中获胜后,Informed Solutions将获得资金,用于开发该服务的测试版,然后再推出可供NatureScot使用并出口到全球的上市版本.

NatureScot (formerly known as Scottish Natural Heritage) is the lead public body responsible for advising 苏格兰政府 Ministers on all matters relating to 苏格兰’s natural heritage with a specific responsibility for; promoting the sustainable use of 苏格兰’s natural heritage; promoting sustainable economic growth; reducing greenhouse gas emissions and helping 苏格兰 to adapt to climate change.

NatureScot wanted to understand the potential for innovative technologies such as AI, Chatbots and Location Intelligence to provide rich, targeted information on 环境ly sensitive areas to non-expert users. 这些用户包括农民, 房地产经理, 地主, and developers who interact with NatureScot to obtain information that provides clarity around land use applications, whilst NatureScot assures the protection of 环境ly sensitive areas through the planning process.

NatureScot挑战是GovTech Catalyst的一部分,这是一个价值2000万英镑的创新基金,旨在将政府部门和公共机构与中小企业联系起来,以刺激公共部门创新数字解决方案的发展. The innovation fund was used for fifteen challenges across the four nations of the United Kingdom: England, 苏格兰, 威尔士和北爱尔兰, 其战略目标是开发可以应用于英国和国际公共部门的产品和服务.

Govtech挑战赛有许多跨境层面,由英国政府数字服务中心(GDS)的一个中央团队提供支持。, Scottish Enterprise - an agency responsible for 苏格兰's economic growth, 以及苏格兰的CivTech Accelerator. 

To address the NatureScot challenge, Informed Solutions worked with its Alliance Partners, 环境系统公司和LandInform公司提出了一种创新的基于云的信息服务,该服务将集成和利用数字服务设计的最新进展, 映射, 数据分析, 卫星, 地球观测图像, and AI capabilities to answer complex questions in a simple manner.  


In developing a first-of-its-kind solution architecture that enabled Artificial Intelligence, 机器学习, 通过基于云的服务和开放标准api集成自然语言处理和空间分析功能, the digital service includes   real-time integration of data derived from 环境 and ecological models, 跨多个数据源,包括SENTINEL-2地球观测数据,提供现场环境风险和机遇的视图.

另外, 与NatureScot案例管理系统的数据实时集成,以及与InformedENGAGE©提供的自然语言处理的实时集成,生成智能环境模型,这些模型可通过地理空间支持的数字平台提供,允许用户提出问题并获得有关聊天机器人感兴趣的特定领域的实时答案.  

这种集成的映射和基于对话的用户界面组件将帮助用户更详细地了解保护区, 连接和理解以前被“锁住”的信息,这些信息存储在各种位置的文本文档中,并且通常被隔离在遗留数据库中.

NatureScot的合作伙伴关系, 苏格兰政府, GDS和Informed Solutions提供了有关如何采用跨境创新资金新方法的数据和证据,并展示了如何使用GDS和Civtech Accelerator倡导的敏捷方法来应用此类资金,以开发可在英国和全球其他地方扩展和应用的服务和产品.

Seth Finegan, UK CEO at Informed Solutions comments: “This is a proud moment for Informed Solutions. This NatureScot GovTech Catalyst challenge is an incredibly important initiative, not only for this unique project to help protect land in 苏格兰, but for 环境 projects the world over. 


“看到各国政府通过创造创新挑战,鼓励采用创新技术,合作投资于我们的数字未来,这真的令人鼓舞, data-driven services that will help look after our society, 我们的经济和环境”.


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全球最大的博彩平台 UsInformed Solutions delivers digital data and technology solutions that help make the world a smarter, 更安全的, 更环保的, 更健康的地方.Founded in 1992, we are a successful, growing International digital transformation consultancy. We deliver multi-Queen’s Award for innovation winning platforms and services that support large-scale digital transformation. 我们的数字, 数据和技术解决方案被全球公认的公共和私营部门品牌在包括民防在内的各个领域运营, 医疗保健, Sustainable Environment and Land Asset Management, 与数码民主.Our purpose is to create economic and social value by helping to build a more 包容, 公平, and safe society through ethical use of technology and data and investing in digital skills.我们开发的多次获得女王奖的数据和人工智能平台和服务支持大规模的服务转型.  They are used by millions of people every day in a connected, converged world.The OpportunityMake a difference and advance your career by helping deliver some of the UK’s most important #tech4good projects.You’ll join a talented team of dynamic and driven professional problem solvers; creative thinkers and solutions builders who thrive on helping clients meet the most exciting digital transformation challenges.在经过认证的卓越工作场所®,您将体验到一个充满活力和培育的环境,奖励主动性和灵活性,并享受根据自己的愿望量身定制的职业道路.CultureWe are proud to nurture a workplace culture that is diverse, 包容, 奖励, 与平等.We strive to live up to our values of Innovation, 卓越, and Integrity by thinking about things differently, 永远尽我们所能, and acting in good faith at all times.We’re a team of passionate problem solvers. 我们以帮助客户加速和降低数字业务变革的风险而自豪,这样我们就可以合作和共同设计世界一流的数字服务,解决复杂的业务和安全关键问题, 特别是在这个地方, location or geography are important. Our workplace culture reflects how we go about our work, the type of work that we choose to do, and our commitment and contribution to the sustainable social, 环境, and economic development aims of the communities that we are part of.  We focus both on technical skills and equally importantly, on the cultural fit of prospective new colleagues. Our success relies on fostering an environment where creativity and collaboration produces great outcomes for our people, 我们的客户, 以及我们的合作伙伴.Why We Work at InformedLearn more about life at Informed Solutions by going to Informed.com/Careers

Informed Solutions

全球最大的博彩平台 UsInformed Solutions delivers digital data and technology solutions that help make the world a smarter, 更安全的, 更环保的, 更健康的地方.Founded in 1992, we are a successful, growing International digital transformation consultancy. We deliver multi-Queen’s Award for innovation winning platforms and services that support large-scale digital transformation. 我们的数字, 数据和技术解决方案被全球公认的公共和私营部门品牌在包括民防在内的各个领域运营, 医疗保健, Sustainable Environment and Land Asset Management, 与数码民主.Our purpose is to create economic and social value by helping to build a more 包容, 公平, and safe society through ethical use of technology and data and investing in digital skills.我们开发的多次获得女王奖的数据和人工智能平台和服务支持大规模的服务转型.  They are used by millions of people every day in a connected, converged world.The OpportunityMake a difference and advance your career by helping deliver some of the UK’s most important #tech4good projects.You’ll join a talented team of dynamic and driven professional problem solvers; creative thinkers and solutions builders who thrive on helping clients meet the most exciting digital transformation challenges.在经过认证的卓越工作场所®,您将体验到一个充满活力和培育的环境,奖励主动性和灵活性,并享受根据自己的愿望量身定制的职业道路.CultureWe are proud to nurture a workplace culture that is diverse, 包容, 奖励, 与平等.We strive to live up to our values of Innovation, 卓越, and Integrity by thinking about things differently, 永远尽我们所能, and acting in good faith at all times.We’re a team of passionate problem solvers. 我们以帮助客户加速和降低数字业务变革的风险而自豪,这样我们就可以合作和共同设计世界一流的数字服务,解决复杂的业务和安全关键问题, 特别是在这个地方, location or geography are important. Our workplace culture reflects how we go about our work, the type of work that we choose to do, and our commitment and contribution to the sustainable social, 环境, and economic development aims of the communities that we are part of.  We focus both on technical skills and equally importantly, on the cultural fit of prospective new colleagues. Our success relies on fostering an environment where creativity and collaboration produces great outcomes for our people, 我们的客户, 以及我们的合作伙伴.Why We Work at InformedLearn more about life at Informed Solutions by going to Informed.com/Careers

Informed Solutions
Account Manager - 医疗保健 Sector

全球最大的博彩平台 UsInformed Solutions delivers digital data and technology solutions that help make the world a smarter, 更安全的, 更环保的, 更健康的地方.Founded in 1992, we are a successful, growing International digital transformation consultancy. We deliver multi-Queen’s Award for innovation winning platforms and services that support large-scale digital transformation. 我们的数字, 数据和技术解决方案被全球公认的公共和私营部门品牌在包括民防在内的各个领域运营, 医疗保健, Sustainable Environment and Land Asset Management, 与数码民主.Our purpose is to create economic and social value by helping to build a more 包容, 公平, and safe society through ethical use of technology and data and investing in digital skills.我们开发的多次获得女王奖的数据和人工智能平台和服务支持大规模的服务转型.  They are used by millions of people every day in a connected, converged world.The OpportunityMake a difference and advance your career by helping deliver some of the UK’s most important #tech4good projects.You’ll join a talented team of dynamic and driven professional problem solvers; creative thinkers and solutions builders who thrive on helping clients meet the most exciting digital transformation challenges.在经过认证的卓越工作场所®,您将体验到一个充满活力和培育的环境,奖励主动性和灵活性,并享受根据自己的愿望量身定制的职业道路.CultureWe are proud to nurture a workplace culture that is diverse, 包容, 奖励, 与平等.We strive to live up to our values of Innovation, 卓越, and Integrity by thinking about things differently, 永远尽我们所能, and acting in good faith at all times.We’re a team of passionate problem solvers. 我们以帮助客户加速和降低数字业务变革的风险而自豪,这样我们就可以合作和共同设计世界一流的数字服务,解决复杂的业务和安全关键问题, 特别是在这个地方, location or geography are important. Our workplace culture reflects how we go about our work, the type of work that we choose to do, and our commitment and contribution to the sustainable social, 环境, and economic development aims of the communities that we are part of.  We focus both on technical skills and equally importantly, on the cultural fit of prospective new colleagues. Our success relies on fostering an environment where creativity and collaboration produces great outcomes for our people, 我们的客户, 以及我们的合作伙伴.Why We Work at InformedLearn more about life at Informed Solutions by going to Informed.com/Careers

Informed Solutions



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