
Jam has completed an exciting branding project for Kesho, 金融科技合作伙伴, further strengthening its position as it moves into 2021.  

在一场三人比赛之后, Jam was enlisted to rebrand two of the company’s core brands, 凯叔与窗帘, whilst creating and launching a brand for a new consumer e-money account. 

Providing credit union accounting software for over 30 years, Kesho及其核心产品, Curtains is widely used and trusted among hundreds of credit unions and financial organisations across the UK. Jam was challenged with upholding the brand’s heritage and maintaining customer loyalty whilst refreshing the brand in line with the company’s vision for the future. 

Jam让这个品牌重新焕发了活力, 小心翼翼地发展一种新的叙事, creative and tone of voice that harnessed the brand’s heritage and customer-centric attitude, 同时拥抱它的数字化未来. 以大胆的新面貌和叙事, Jam transformed Kesho into Sercle introducing the refreshed brand to new and existing audiences across the industry. The brand’s industry leading accounting software, Curtains was also rebranded to Sercle Platform, providing cutting-edge technology to empower its partners and their members for the digital finance revolution.

撼动数字个人理财市场, Jam提供Vox Money, an 'exclusively inclusive'  online e-money account for those previously overlooked by traditional banks and for those who generally like to move to a different beat.  明确定义的品牌和主张, vibrant creative and a bold narrative offers consumers financial progress.

Putting Sercle and Vox Money at the fore of the digital finance revolution, Jam designed and developed interactive websites for each brand, 优先考虑用户体验, 设计和功能.

拥有一整套品牌资产, Jam ensured every touch point was diligently planned and carefully crafted.

The huge success of the initial brand development project led to Jam being awarded the retained contract to deliver integrated, digital marketing strategies for both Sercle and Vox Money. The 机构 is tasked with launching the brands to the credit union and consumer market respectively, 推动转化和建立品牌资产.

Jam’s services will include digital and creative copywriting alongside the development and implementation of strong digital and social media strategies and bespoke creative assets.

Jaime哇, Jam的总经理说, “我们很高兴能与Sercle合作, 是Omnio Global的一部分, to deliver new brand identities and digital strategies reflective of the organisation’s innovation and dedication to not only financial technology solutions but exceptional customer service. 

“It’s Jam’s proven experience within the financial services sector, teamed with our creative excellence and growth strategies that truly sets us apart. And during the economic uncertainty that we currently find ourselves in, our assurance that budgets are working as hard as possible to achieve strategic and measurable results gives our clients confidence that their budgets and brands are truly protected .” 

林赛·沃德, 塞尔克执行董事说, “Jam really impressed us with their thorough approach to brand development,  extraordinary creative and clear understanding of our audience and the sector. The Sercle and Vox Money brands and propositions Jam has created are striking, future-proof and support our vision for the future. After the fantastic work delivered on bringing these two brands to market in a relatively short time frame, we knew they were the 机构 we trusted with our brands.

“我们对Jam的方法充满信心, understanding of the financial services industry and the digital strategy they have devised for us, will have a positive impact on our strategic business objectives and ensure our brands have a strong presence in a competitive market.”

Jam has a wealth of experience in the financial services industry, with previous clients including Argos Pet Insurance, 已律师, 胡萝卜保险, 第一个目标恢复和适当的时间.

Sercle joins Jam’s extensive roster of clients, 其中包括MakeUrMove, 家具回收小组, 布鲁克斯生命科学和印刷厂. 

To find out more about Jam’s services, please visit www.wearejam.机构 



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