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Everything you want to know about Account-Based Marketing

它的个性化方法和对细节的关注正以专门为消费者量身定制的信息吸引着消费者. However, teams are struggling to implement it across their organisation.

So let’s go over the basics, 从它是什么到什么时候你应该在公司里使用这个策略.

What is Account-Based Marketing (ABM)?

尽管大肆宣传,许多公司仍难以在其组织内定义和实施ABM. 有些人将ABM概括为一种销售策略,但它远不止于此.

Account-based marketing turns the sales funnel upside down. Because not all clients and companies are created equal. 所以,与其为广泛的人群制定一个营销策略,还不如让有兴趣的人通过你的每一步 sales pipeline, ABM是全球最大的博彩平台创建内容和活动,只说到特定的帐户,你的目标.

So ABM is not really a sales function at all. 这是一个集中的增长战略,将营销和销售团队联合起来. Together, you identify key decision-makers and craft customised programs, 针对公司面临的挑战或当前痛点的内容和信息.

例如,假设你在一家设计机构工作,你的目标受众是生活方式品牌. Using inbound marketing techniques, 你会为所有生活方式品牌开发内容,等待他们来找你获取更多信息. However, in this scenario, 你不知道你是否接触到了决策者,也无法知道你的内容或广告是否对潜在客户有用.

With ABM, you would focus on companies that are your ideal customer. By tracking who visits your website 或者研究前景,然后专门为这些公司撰写内容和活动. This way, you know your message will resonate.

Benefits of Account-Based Marketing

从针对个人到针对账户很可能是一种转变. But the benefits outweigh the challenges. And if you do it well, it pays dividends.

ABM encourages more collaboration between marketing and sales

市场营销和销售通常是各自为营的部门,但ABM是一项团队运动. 营销人员和销售人员需要分享知识,共同努力以获得最佳结果. 这两个部门相互负责,同时把各自独特的专业知识带到工作桌上,步调一致. 这也可以确保时间和金钱更明智地使用,并减少花费在早期培育垃圾线索上的时间.

ABM allows you to stand out from the crowd and get personal

基于客户的营销是全球最大的博彩平台个性化和对客户的深刻理解. 在提供产品或服务的同时,根据具体的痛点定制内容和活动, you stand out from the crowd by not being generic. 这种对话和围绕你的特定产品的超个性化内容也从本质上排除了你的竞争对手.

Track success easier with ABM

ABM是一个专注的策略,这意味着你需要跟踪的指标和kpi更少. 你想出的详细策略使你更容易监控你的进步. 目标设定和分析变得轻而易举,因为你看到的是更小的数据集,接触点更少.

ABM boosts your Return on Investment (ROI)

You want to be able to deliver real value from your efforts. ABM’s targeted, precise, 个性化和可测量的方法意味着它比任何其他类型的营销活动提供更高的投资回报率,同时限制了浪费和风险的数量.

Account-Based Marketing vs Inbound Marketing

在这一点上,你可能想知道ABM是否需要取代你目前的战略手段来吸引客户. Inbound marketing reflects the traditional sales funnel. 这是一种销售策略,利用内容撒下一张大网,目的是吸引人, delight and convert customers. ABM侧重于销售和营销流程,旨在使特定类型的客户转换.

Both depend on a genuine understanding of your target audience.

因此,与其选择一种策略,不如同时使用两种策略. 你可以重用内容、资源和客户体验来吸引所有类型的客户.

When should you use account-based marketing?

我们已经演示了使用ABM策略的好处,以及它如何补充您的入站策略. Nevertheless, it shouldn’t be used all the time. Let us explain.

For starters, 你是否有一个明确的、被证明的人,并且确切地知道你想和谁做生意? If yes, 然后,你应该花时间直接瞄准这些人和公司,而不是希望他们在某个时间点找到你. However, if you’re just starting off, and your customers don’t know that you exist, 然后,最好瞄准你想要与之做生意的各种组织. And then narrow in on hot prospects you’d like to work with later.

Once you have identified companies you’d like to do business with, can you target specific decision-makers? ABM的重点是接触掌权的人,并确定参与决策过程的每个人, crafting messaging for them, delivering content relevant to their role, and encouraging them to engage with your sales reps. Our lead generation software 通过向您显示哪些公司访问您的网站以及该公司人员的姓名和职位,可以帮助您做到这一点吗. 然而,如果你不能瞄准关键的决策者,那么反弹道导弹将是不可能的.

Lastly, ABM has high implementation costs. 因此,考虑到所需的时间和金钱,它最适合大型客户,而对于收入预测较低的小客户可能不值得.

Land high value accounts with account-based marketing

Account-based marketing doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With an established persona, aligned sales and marketing teams and hyper-focused messaging, 您可以更有效地识别和接触有价值的客户,并更好地成长.

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