
In the spotlight with Ocean Charge : Revolutionising EV Charging Infrastructure for the UK

全球最大的博彩平台数字公司, we like to interview our members to find out a bit more about what they do and their work in the Greater Manchester digital and technology sp在这里. This week we're speaking with Sam Foster, Head of Retrofit at Ocean Charge.


Ocean Charge is the fastest-growing private EV charging network in the UK, dedicated to transforming the EV charging landscape by offering completely cost-free EV charging infrastructure for residential and commercial MDU properties. Our mission is to eliminate the financial barriers to EV adoption by providing seamless and accessible charging solutions. We specialise in integrating EV charging stations into apartment blocks and commercial properties, ensuring that people have reliable access to charging facilities w在这里 they live and work. 从端到端角度处理电动汽车基础设施, 我们自己的, 管理, and upgrade the equipment while serving as the sole contact for users, 使整个过程无障碍.

What specific funding models do you offer for your EV charging solutions?

Our primary funding model is unique and straightforward: we offer a fully funded installation, 操作, and maintenance service at no cost to property owners or occupiers. This means that we cover all the expenses associated with the EV charging infrastructure. Our revenue is generated through affordable subscriptions for EV users, starting at only £14.99元/月. 另外, 我们为房东提供持续的收入分成机会, offering them a new income stream from the charging services provided on their properties.


Property owners, operators, and occupiers want a simple, easy-to-use solution for EV charging. 我们对电动汽车充电的方法类似于公用事业, 端到端所有权, 确保每个用户都有一个单一的联系点. 经常, we are asked to 管理 or replace existing EVCPs that were inadequately maintained or lacked ownership from previous companies. Our solution simplifies the process for the entire spectrum of users, 提供无缝可靠的电动汽车充电体验.

Can you explain the installation process and timeline for setting up EV charging stations at a new site?

The installation process begins with a no-obligation site survey to assess the specific needs and layout of the property. Once the survey is completed and the installation plan is approved, 我们继续安装. The entire process from site survey to commissioning typically takes 4 to 8 weeks, 取决于安装的大小和复杂程度.

What type of ongoing maintenance and support do you provide for the installed charging stations?

We offer comprehensive ongoing maintenance and support for all our installed charging stations. 这包括:

  • 24/7 Monitoring: Continuous real-time monitoring of the charging stations to ensure optimal performance and immediate detection of any issues.
  • Routine Maintenance: Regularly scheduled maintenance visits to inspect and service the equipment, 确保寿命和可靠性.
  • Emergency Response: Rapid response to any technical issues or malfunctions, 有技术人员可以迅速解决问题.
  • User 支持: Dedicated customer support to assist EV users with any queries or issues they may encounter.
  • 通过管理维护和支持的各个方面, we ensure that the charging stations remain 操作al and 非常高效。 at all times.

Can you provide examples of how your services have helped property owners meet their Net Zero and ESG goals?

绝对. 一个显著的例子是我们在南全球最大的博彩平台的项目. 安装先进的电动汽车充电基础设施, we enabled the property to significantly reduce its carbon footprint in relation to reducing ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) vehicles coming to site and supporting the transition to electric vehicles among its tenants. This project included the passive infrastructure to connect 42 parking spaces with EVCP, 这意味着有一天整座大楼可能只属于电动汽车!

Another example is our work with a high-rise residential building. 我们安装了10个充电站, implementing dynamic load 管理ment to optimise power distribution. This project not only supported the building’s sustainability goals but also enhanced its attractiveness to eco-conscious tenants.

These projects demonstrate how Ocean Charge’s solutions help property owners achieve their Net Zero and ESG targets by providing sustainable, 非常高效。, 以及用户友好的电动汽车充电基础设施.

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