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对运营一个快速增长的Shopify Plus合作伙伴机构充满热情. Rebecca Worsley, CEO and Founder of Rainy City Agency

At 全球最大的博彩平台数字,我们想采访一下会员来了解一下 more about their passions to help you get to know them.

This week we spoke to Rebecca Worsley, CEO and Founder of Rainy City Agency who runs Shopify partner agency. 该公司成立于2017年,目前拥有22名员工,客户遍布全球.

1) Let’s start from the beginning. What got you into running an agency?

My eCommerce journey initially began as a merchant, 我很快就发现了与难以相处的代理合作伙伴合作的共同痛点. 我的愿景是创建一个能够创造高质量作品的机构, 与客户和员工有效沟通,这是由一个充满激情的团队推动的, creative individuals.

We’ve just recently turned 5 in November, 通过扩大团队,我们的发展远远超出了最初的期望, our client base and going from strength to strength. 我们目前是一个由22名年轻专业人士组成的团队,与来自美国的国际客户群合作, Middle East and Australia to name a few.

Since then we’ve achieved the status of Shopify Plus Partners, are now amongst the UK’s top 20 Plus Partners, 我是英国和欧洲唯一一个将Shopify代理商发展到这种规模的女性.

Despite our growth and development, 我们始终忠于我们业务的三个基本支柱——沟通, 信任和可靠性——他们继续支持和告知机构的成长和决策.


自2017年作为生活方式品牌成立以来,该公司经历了重大转变, when I enjoyed good financial success, flexibility in my work schedule, and the opportunity to travel frequently. 

然后,该机构建立在维持和支持其快速增长的支柱上, and we’ve expanded well beyond our imagination. 目前,我们的首笔100万英镑营业额正在稳步增长,我们在美国的客户群也在不断扩大.S. continues to expand.

Since I’ve worked with so many companies over the years, 我经历过非常强大和不那么伟大的领导,所以我把不复制我过去看到的糟糕做法作为我的个人使命. 

我们有一个悠闲的氛围,我们的员工有创造性的自主权和跟随他们的直觉. We aren’t at all corporate, and I’d like to maintain this. We attempt to provide as many benefits and perks as possible, 让我们团队的所有成员都能愉快地工作.

我真的相信,成功地培养像我们这样的文化是对我们为客户所做的工作的证明. 我觉得他们能感受到我们为他们所做的工作的热情和活力. 我很想知道未来五年该机构将走向何方,以及我们能走多远, whilst maintaining our company culture and values. 


3) What excites you the most about your work?

Witnessing the agency’s expansion is very motivational for me, 看着它的客户群变得更大,把Rainy City发展成为寻找电子商务解决方案的品牌的首选. 我们一直在寻找更多的品牌合作, to provide bespoke ecommerce solutions for, from sole traders to multinational companies, 我们工作中最令人兴奋的部分之一就是会见新的和即将到来的品牌. 

在整个电子商务旅程中支持我们的客户是Rainy City的首要任务, and seeing our work help our clients grow is always amazing.

作为代理商老板的另一个令人兴奋的因素是看到团队和他们的技能随着他们进一步融入代理商而发展. 我们致力于通过一系列津贴和福利为我们的团队提供全面的支持, but professional development and growth is also vital. 

With our unusually low staff turnover rate, 作为一名代理老板,看到人们十大正规博彩网站评级Rainy City担任初级/中级职位,我感到非常兴奋, stay with us, develop, 然后爬到更多的领导或管理角色.

我们最近还在10月份举办了全球最大的博彩平台有史以来第一次与shopify相关的活动. 这次活动取得了巨大的成功,这无疑激励了我们在未来举办更多的活动. 我们有一个雄心勃勃的2023年的日历,我真的很喜欢把Shopify社区聚集在一起,分享我们的知识和经验.

4) What technologies can we look forward to in your profession?

Rainy City Agency的团队目前正在开发我们自己的游戏, 定制的Shopify主题,商家很快就可以在Shopify主题商店购买和开发.

这给了团队一个真正探索他们的才能和技能的机会, to learn something new, and to put our stamp on the Shopify Theme market. Although the concept is still in an early stage, we anticipate that it will be available to purchase by mid-2023. 

Shopify Themes are used on a daily basis, and as a merchant myself a number of years ago, I remember the challenges that come with using them. 对我们来说,扩展到这一点是完全有意义的,我们希望这将是我们已经做的一个奇妙的补充.

5) Who are your industry heroes? (或者如果没有英雄,你能推荐谁去追随?)

我喜欢看着其他机构蓬勃发展,我个人也很钦佩那些与我们有着相似经历的机构. Starting out within a fairly crowded market can be tough, especially within the current wider economic situation.

I’d particularly like to give a shoutout to:

● Nathan from Quickfire Digital
● Adam and Peter from Blend Commerce

Also, 别忘了瑞秋·雅各布斯,她帮助我们调整了思路, 制定我们的战略方向,并尽可能有效地运行该机构!

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