Header image showing RiskSmart platform with the caption 7个迹象表明你需要(正确的)风险管理软件


你不会孤单的. 流行后, 十分之七的董事会说 they’re looking to invest more heavily into risk management software (RMS).

或者你只是想多学一点. Your current risk processes are serving you well enough, even if they’re a bit overstuffed.

不管怎样,你来对地方了. 我们理解你的好奇心. Enterprise risk management software is typically seen as the natural evolution for risk teams wanting to up their game.

We’ve pulled together seven signs that it’s time to adopt the right risk management software for your needs.


1. 你的电子表格太多了


电子表格是有目的的. 在美国,结束 73万家企业使用Excel. We’re not here to say that’s wrong – even for risk and compliance teams.

他们是首选. Especially for businesses that are risk immature and taking the first steps on their GRC journeys.

但是使用电子表格也有缺点, 既明显又令人惊讶, that you won’t find in most enterprise risk management software.

你现在可能知道了 88%被认为包含错误, but you’ll see inefficiencies before you’ve even started creating your spreadsheet.

Let’s say you’re a small to medium-sized enterprise (SME) looking to start taking risk seriously. You first need to think about generic risks, as well as those unique to your business. 从头开始创建风险库是一件非常耗时的事情.

It easily leads to situations where experienced risk professionals spend more time acting as developers – guardians of the spreadsheet – rather than managing the risks they’re fretting over.

而不是, risk management software often comes with a pre-built risk library that can be tailored to your needs. If you’re just starting your risk journey, this can get you up on that first rung of the ladder.

Spreadsheets might do the job, but risk management can't be complacent

A lot of feedback we hear about spreadsheets isn’t that they’re the devil incarnate, 而是他们只是… .

他们完成了任务. 你知道,就是列出你的风险清单.

But there’s a good chance one of the following problems rings true if you’re a long-time user of Excel for risk management:

  • 经常有不止一张纸同时在运行, meaning you’re wasting time tracking down the right information. This means crucial risk information is siloed or just inaccessible.
  • 电子表格的隐私通常管理不善. You either need to jump through hoops to get in or there’s an open-door policy where everyone’s an editor. 这两种情况都让我们不寒而栗.
  • 错误发生. 并不总是至关重要,但它们确实存在. 偶尔会浮出水面. And it’s mostly issues with formulas or misplaced decimal points, owing to human error.

想知道好的一面? 你猜对了:这些问题是 过去的事 具备企业风险管理软件.

Risk dashboards act as a single source of truth for all things risk and compliance, 这意味着你永远知道在哪里可以找到你需要的东西.

虽然RiskSmart不收取用户费用, access can still be managed so only the correct people can access what they need.



2. 你想要提升你的风险文化

A common reason we hear for moving over to enterprise risk management software is that businesses are looking to level up their risk culture. 毕竟, 56%的商业领袖 从2022年开始加大对风险文化的投资.

根据大小不同,这看起来会有所不同, 部门, 还有很多其他的原因, 但它通常包括以下一些内容:

  • 将风险管理嵌入到业务范围的决策中.
  • Ensuring that risk and compliance teams are known and their role is understood.
  • Involving staff of all levels and professions in risk reporting.
  • Establishing expectations or targets for risk management processes.
  • Guaranteeing senior leadership understand and champion risk management.

风险管理软件可以在这里提供帮助 两个原因.

首先,风险管理软件彻底消除了猜测 数据驱动的见解 和报告.

For risk to truly be considered at every stage of a company’s growth, decision-makers and stakeholders need data to influence their choices.

这可以采取几种形式, such as quantifiable risk scores to inform appetite boundaries, 推送警报/通知以减少风险的微观管理, 或者是根据风险等级划分风险的能力.

If you want to know more about this first reason, check out our thoughts on 为什么数据对有效的风险管理至关重要.

其次, with the right piece of enterprise risk management software, 任何人都能理解风险.

It’s a profession known for its endless jargon – not to mention the unsightly UI of legacy systems or difficulty navigating chaotic spreadsheets.

但是每个人都理解饼状图. 1-100分. 提醒你需要采取行动.

通过简化风险, risk management software can help to level up your risk culture and ensure that it’s easily understood from top to bottom.


We bang on about risk culture because we know it’s important - and that enterprise risk management software can contribute towards a thriving risk culture.

But here’s what some other thought leaders had to say at #RISK 2022 (where we hand a nice stand, 如上所述):

  • “There’s a difference between risk management awareness and understanding” – 托尼Strickley, Radius支付解决方案有限公司.
  • “高管层的全面参与绝对是必要的” 彼得McCready财富奇才.
  • ”Risk culture is anchored in the values of the organisation” – 高精度肖兰帕特尔, Booking Holdings.

This lot know the importance of risk culture – and having the right risk management software will keep you in their good books.


If you'd like to check out the other 5 reasons risk management software should be on your agenda, 访问我们的原始博客.



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