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API and API Integration Explained feat | Silverchip

If you’re a non-technical person, it’s easy to get lost in the world of confusing tech terms, types of software, and what functions they all provide. 您可能听说过API和API集成,但从未真正理解过它们. 在本文中,我们将解释它们是什么,它们是如何工作的以及为什么它们如此重要.

What is an API (Application Programming Interface)?

An API is a collection of definitions, protocols and instruments that interact and communicate with each other.

api是用户能够与基于web的工具或应用程序合作的原因. API使用户能够与界面交互,并从应用程序请求数据或特定操作.

After the user has requested action, the application will transfer the data to an API, 哪一个将获取所提供的信息并为所请求的操作提供解决方案. 返回的数据将被API翻译成用户可以理解的内容.

An example of an API in action, when you use an app such as the weather app or Twitter for example, the application connects to the internet and sends the relevant data to a server. 然后,服务器解释数据并执行必要的操作,然后将其转发回您的手机,例如显示您当前位置的当前温度或Twitter显示您所选区域的趋势主题.

What is API Integration?

现在我们了解了API是什么以及它们是如何工作的,让我们深入了解API集成是什么. To put it in simple terms, as computers can’t talk to each other, API集成是一种允许计算机相互告知该做什么的特性. Or in tech terms, 它是两个或多个应用程序之间的连接,通过它们的api让系统交换数据源.

API Integration is the most efficient way to automate tasks, 它为组织的许多层和部门的流程提供动力,以保持数据一致, boost productivity and improve revenue.

APIs are important to any business, 无论企业规模大小,api都允许应用程序和web系统的无缝操作和性能. It improves information and service delivery versatility, 同时也使得从众多网站和应用程序中嵌入内容变得更加容易. An API acts as the interface which allows two applications to be integrated.

Why do we need API integration and why are they necessary?

我们需要API集成,因为它在共享数据和通信时消除了人为错误的可能性. 它还可以节省时间,因为它允许公司自动化系统并增加数据的无缝共享. 在当今世界,API集成不容忽视,其重要性不容忽视.

Now that cloud-based products and apps have become popular, 组织需要一个连接的系统,数据可以在几个软件工具之间自动传输. 由于API集成,现在可以在各种应用程序之间共享流程和企业数据. 它创造了一个新的服务交付水平和信息的灵活性,这也使得从不同的应用程序和网站嵌入内容更容易.

Examples of API Integrations

An example of a recent API Integration project we created for KTN (Knowledge Transfer Network); we were tasked with supporting their research and innovation initiatives by developing its tools and services to connect organisations, control data quality, and promote cross-market business and trade.

To achieve this, 我们成功开发了一个集中的API招标管理工具,帮助企业查看与其服务相关的实时机会. Working with several departments, we helped achieve a more connected, digitally efficient platform to help support SMEs win more business. The system works seamlessly with several other systems such as Companies House, Dotdigital, and Beauhurst.

Currently, there are a few methods of achieving API integration, but ultimately, they boil down to the specific needs of your organisation. Here are a few:

Connector Applications

这种类型的应用程序旨在提供api,使两个著名的技术平台更容易合并. If they are to be used by different companies, they are mass-produced.

API Integration Management Platform


There are tools available on the market that can help you create custom integration apps; some allow you to obtain and convert data into a form that can be comprehended by your app with just a singular question.

Custom Integrations

This method is a little bit trickier than the others; it requires a software developer with experience in the APIs you want to integrate with handwritten scripts. 这种方法曾经非常流行,直到出现了更新、更简单的集成方法.

API集成过程是一个非常精确的过程,包括三个重要部分, regardless of the integration tool you decide on.

首先,你需要定义你的优先级和所有的公司流程. 必须找出痛点,以及两个或多个软件系统的组合将如何帮助消除这些问题. 帮助您决定集成将如何支持您的公司的团队是软件工程师和系统管理员,这一点很重要.

Once you’ve done this, 当你确定了你的目标和目的,你就可以开始计划这个过程了. 您可以请求构建一个自定义应用程序,该应用程序将与已定义的软件平台api通信,以帮助您通过创建新功能来实现设定的目标.

Lastly, it is imperative to conduct tests on your new system, so you know the integration app is up to the task and bug-free.

All in all, API integrations are a key part of the modern world, 大多数企业都需要某种类型的API集成,以使其业务更有效地运行并避免人为错误. 它们是多个应用程序的技术部门的粘合剂,我相信我们将继续看到它们随着未来技术的进步而发展.

如果您想与我们的专家团队之一谈谈API集成以及它们将如何使您的业务受益, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via our website.

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