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In an exclusive interview with Lokulus’ Head of Product, David Seed, and Head of Customer, Thomas Rowland, 我们深入研究了个性化策略对不同行业的深远影响, exploring its advantages, challenges, and what the future holds for personalisation.

What is personalisation?

个性化策略对于在企业和客户之间建立深刻的联系至关重要, David Seed, Lokulus' Head of Product, explains; "Ultimately, from a customer's point of view, 你想知道电话那头的人了解你是谁, what you want, and can provide personalised journeys."

Lokulus通过一个细致的过程将这一战略付诸实施,该过程包括全面的数据收集和分析. 通过更深层次地了解客户的偏好和期望, Lokulus strives to create a 360-degree view of each individual. Leveraging advanced technologies, Lokulus的人工智能驱动的工作流程自动化平台和我们的智能虚拟助理(IVA)实现了无缝对接, personalised customer journeys, tailoring interactions at every stage. This commitment transforms our vision into a tangible reality, 利用技术和数据提供个性化体验,与每位客户产生共鸣, fostering lasting connections and brand loyalty.

Unveiling the advantages of personalisation

Lokulus的团队是个性化为企业提供显著优势的坚定拥护者, irrespective of their sector. David强调了两个关键因素:客户满意度和留存率, as the cornerstones of a personalisation strategy. These emphasise not only the need for addressing immediate requirements, but also fostering long-term relationships.

Tom强调了个性化的另一个重要方面——优质服务, 以及创造一个让顾客真正感受到倾听和重视的环境的重要性. 汤姆强调说:“这是一种感觉,即一个组织足够关心所说的话.“这种对专注和关怀的强调与Lokulus提供的不仅仅是一个平台的承诺相一致, product or service, but an experience that resonates with the customer on a personal level.

At Lokulus, 我们专注于个性化的方法强调,以客户为中心不仅是为了满足需求,也是为了创造情感联系. By prioritising satisfaction, retention, and the profound feeling of being heard, Lokulus致力于为不同行业的个性化客户体验树立新标准.

Addressing challenges in personalisation

Lokulus团队承认,在实施有效的个性化策略时,企业可能会遇到普遍的挑战. David sheds light on the Lokulus way; "We add value by allowing businesses to shift channels, enabling users to communicate on the platform they prefer, in a seamless and deeply personalised journey.“这凸显了Lokulus致力于提供灵活和适应性强的框架,以满足不同的通信偏好, ultimately enhancing the overall customer experience.

Tom强调了在提升用户体验和尊重隐私之间取得微妙平衡的重要性, stating that; "At Lokulus, 我们不仅致力于提供个性化体验,而且以道德和负责任的方式做到这一点, ensuring that privacy remains a top priority.”

With Lokulus’ seamless, adaptable communication platform, 在保持对隐私边界的敏锐意识的同时,可以解决个性化中的挑战, 在不同行业实现有效个性化所需的适当平衡.

The future of personalisation

展望未来,David和Tom讨论了个性化的发展前景. “人工智能是一个强大的工具,在未来十年内,我们所接触的80%的工作将实现自动化." states David. 然而,他进一步注入了沉思和质疑,“但我们相信这是真的吗?“重要的是,虽然我们提倡人工智能和自动化的优势, 我们必须全面考虑向自动化的重大转变的潜在影响.

汤姆预测,个性化很可能超越数字领域,延伸到现实世界, effectively blurring the lines between online and physical experiences. He offers a tangible example, stating, “未来个性化是否会延伸到现实世界的互动中, for instance, 如果我拥有一辆车,未来是否会有个性化的业务发展到基于你在车里的知识为你提供内容? The metaverse is more about merging your online and physical." Tom’s perspective highlights how there is potential that in the future, personalisation could become seamlessly integrated into day-to-day, offline activities, enriching the overall customer experience.

这表明,个性化的未来可能涉及虚拟和现实世界互动的和谐融合, 个人在哪里体验到他们的网络和现实存在之间的连续性. As Head of Product and Head of Customer, Dave和Tom的前瞻性见解强调了个性化在客户体验中的重要性,同时强调了掌握脉搏和着眼未来的重要性.

At Lokulus, 我们一切都是为了结果,我们充满激情地与客户合作,以确保满足所有要求, no matter what they are. What’s more, we’re in it for the long haul. 如果你正在寻找一个人工智能自动化的合作伙伴,无论是现在还是未来,我们都很乐意听到你的声音.

有兴趣了解Lokulus团队如何将您的业务个性化提升到一个新的水平? Book in for a free demo now or complete our contact form for more information. In the meantime, download our brochure to find out why we’re the perfect partner.

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