
Combining Profit with purpose: Salford Business School commits to supporting social enterprises navigate the current economic climate


索尔福德大学商学院 to host event to help social enterprises amidst the current challenging economic landscape this May.

5月18日星期四, 索尔福德大学商学院 is hosting a breakfast panel event centring on the topic of ‘combining purpose with profit,’ exploring how social enterprises can navigate the current economic environment to thrive.

According to Social Enterprise UK (SEUK), t在这里 are now more than 100,000 organisations[i] 在英国各地开展业务, each of whom are battling for their fair share of the limited funding available. SEUK最近的一份报告也指出了18个,000家社会企业面临倒闭的危险, 由于严峻的经济形势[ii].

With increases in operational and staffing costs continuing, as well as a reduction in commissioning opportunities for public sector contracts due to declining budgets, 尽管对产品/服务的需求在增加, 推动增长的机会, 反过来,盈利能力, 可能只限于该行业的人.

十大正规博彩网站评级ing Salford Business School social enterprise expert and Lecturer in in People and Organisations, 凯瑟琳·罗斯特隆博士, 小组讨论将由主持人主持, Claire-Marie Boggiano, 与:

  • Marilyn Comrie博士OBE FRSA, Principal Founder of the 黑人联合代表网络
  • Nile Henry,创始人兼首席执行官 布莱尔计划, as well as GM Social Enterprise Advisory Group Member which is part of Greater Manchester Combined Authority
  • Ed Siegel,首席执行官 慈善机构银行
  • Stuart Vaughan, Third Sector Development Business Advisor, 成长型公司
  • 凯特·克里斯,投资主管 GMCVO (Greater Manchester Centre for Voluntary Organisation)

The conversation will centre on thinking commercially to drive growth and profitability in the social enterprise space, while exploring the priorities of impact investors in the current economic climate.

弗朗辛·莫里斯博士, Associate Dean of Enterprise and Engagement at Salford Business School, comments: “When your customer base comprises those hardest hit during a cost of living crisis, navigating times of economic uncertainty can feel like you’re fighting a losing battle. 

"对于社会企业, 至少可以说,时代是充满挑战的, with many feeling the need to focus more on the enterprise arm of their organisations, moving increasingly away from their socially-driven foundations. T在这里 are however ways to strike the perfect balance and this event will centre on supporting those in the sector find that.”

Marilyn Comrie博士OBE FRSA, Principal Founder of the 黑人联合代表网络, adds: “Making the procurement process more inclusive for social enterprises needs to be given a greater priority in Greater Manchester if we're to achieve our vision of a fairer more prosperous city region.

“They exist to deal with some of the most challenging societal challenges. But the last three years have been tough for so many of them, 由于收入下降, increased demand for their services and the rising cost of living. We need anchor organisations in Greater Manchester to do more to help this vital sector by commissioning or contracting with them.”

Salford Business School is based at the heart of Greater Manchester’s dynamic business community, with the School working in collaboration and committed to supporting a wide range of regional businesses, 从中小企业到跨国公司, 支持该地区的增长和生产力.

Francine concludes: “The current landscape for all commercial organisations is difficult, particularly those whose primary objective is to support those struggling most. 出于这个原因, funding your cause and having the capital available to turn your vision for a better world into a reality, 可能会觉得这是一个不可能完成的任务. Despite the huge positive impact social enterprises have on society, securing adequate funding and investment continues to be amongst one of the biggest challenges.

“Social enterprises are incredibly important part of society. They make great economical contributions, but are grounded in purpose-driven work. 我们的小组由社会企业专家组成, those operating in the space as well as investors, who will be offering invaluable advice to help navigate the trying times we’re in. T在这里 will also be opportunity for attendees to meet other likeminded organisations to share best practice.”  


The free event will be held at the Old Fire Station at Salford Business School’s Peel Park Campus from 9am on Thursday 18 May. 客人可以登记购票 在这里.

