
作为我们英国中心的移动能力所有者, Mo observes market trends and ensures that we’re building our skill set in this area to be ready for the client needs of tomorrow. This ensures that we’re best positioned to continue to acquire innovative and impactful projects both now, 以及未来.

莫Ramezanpoor, Principal Consultant and Mobile Capability Owner




我最初是一名天体物理学家. In high school I was into astronomy, robotics and all that stuff. 这就是我最后研究的内容. I started uni when I was still living in Iran and I continued and finished my masters here in the UK. 然而,我知道我不会留在学术界, and when I ended up starting my career it was as a Software Engineer, 专注于iOS.

你为什么选择在z hlke工作?

I really liked the people I met as part of the interview process. The company seemed to have strong views on how they take care of people, 他们在采访中表现得很坦诚. 灵活的角色定义也很吸引人. 我们是工程咨询公司, so people get to work on a variety of projects and I liked the idea of doing something different every few years.

你在z hlke的事业进展如何?

Up until I joined Zühlke in late 2016, I worked for smallish product companies. Since then, I’ve been on some reasonably big projects, which has been interesting. These days I am a Mobile Architect and Capability Owner so I look after a lot of internal stuff too: I make sure we have the right skills at the right time, and I support engineers if they’re in a project where they need help. I also spend a lot of time observing market trends and seeing what skills are increasingly needed in our work, and then finding ways to build them up in our business and train people. 作为这一切的一部分, a conscious choice in the last year or so has also been that I am writing less code, 特别是在客户环境中. I can have more impact if I’m there to manage the solution and help the team.


我们大约有20到30个手机开发者, 但他们通常在不同的项目上, and they don’t get to interact with each other as a part of their day to day work. How they operate is determined by the needs of the project and the client. So what I am focusing on right now is creating a real mobile community in the business. What’s been really helpful as part of this is that I’ve been given the headspace and time to reach out to people and have all kinds of helpful conversations. 我之前可能已经和他们联系过了, but when you’re focused on a project you don’t always get to step back and talk about how you can improve your process and approaches.

你是如何在z hlke发展本地移动社区的?

We went through a phase of significant growth in our UK hub recently and that, 再加上大流行, means that we had a whole group of people who had joined the business, 但可能从未见过同事本人. So the first part of what we did was to just take stock of where we are, 从彼此的对话开始. 通过了解团队中的成员, 他们的技能在哪里, 以及他们的激情所在, 我们能够共同发展我们的能力.

从那里, we introduced a bunch of different initiatives in the mobile community for people to get together. 一开始是一些非正式的事情,比如咖啡电话, 但在过去的几个月里,我们也扩大了范围. 我们有更正式的会谈和一些具体的培训计划, looking at how we can use technologies or work through our approaches to project challenges – for example modernising a client’s codebase. 在一般情况下, we’re trying to slowly make sure we build up the connection between different people on the team.

How do you decide the areas in which the mobile team should grow their skills?

我们一直在关注移动领域的新技术, 例如当iOS或Android的新版本问世时. We also follow trends, and part of it is based on what we hear from current or potential clients. This works with a smaller group of people, but now we’re in the process of formalising it. 当你更有联系的时候, you’re all going in the same direction and you can learn from each other along the way. It’s useful for communication and alignment but also for detecting gaps, 学习我们应该关注的地方.

z hlke UK对移动领域的未来有何愿景?

首先, 我们与公司本身的使命非常一致, 善用科技. 在能力方面, we’re focused externally on establishing Zühlke as a known centre of excellence for mobile development. 例如, our work on the NHS Covid-19 app demonstrated our ability to produce something at-scale, 与质量.

Another big part of what we want to do is more internal-facing – making conscious decisions and being intentional in what we do. 有很多利用科技做好事的明显例子. 比如在公共卫生领域. There are obvious bad things, like crypto-mining that uses as much power as some countries. And then there are many things in the middle where it’s really dependent on your approach. So, 如果你在做什么, there are plenty of decisions which could be good for the people using it, 或者对他们不利. And we want to make sure we’re focused on making a positive impact.

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