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Jake is pictured, center, alongside two of his data scientist

Summer Diversity Internship Programme (SDIP)毕业生杰克·卢瑟福(Jake Rutherford)在实习期间与政府数字服务(GDS)数据产品团队合作. Jake后来在GDS和这里得到了一个全职数据科学家的职位, to celebrate Learning at Work Week, 解释了在工作中学习的机会是如何对他的职业生涯有帮助的.

The foundations 

我第一次知道SDIP是在我的一个朋友完成了这个项目之后. He often spoke of his joy working collaboratively with humble, entrepreneurial, and talented people to serve the public. 当然,这让我充满了与这些人一起工作的愿望. Furthermore, 我认为参与一些促进社会流动性和促进政府思想多样性的事情是很好的, by creating opportunities for disadvantaged people.

My placement on the SDIP began in August 2021, in the Central Digital and Data Office’s DDaT (Digital, Data and Technology) Profession team. 我在这里站稳了脚跟,周围都是希望我过得最好的人. As my time at university was spent studying data science, 我的职场导师和支持我的直线经理都热衷于让我有机会在工作中继续学习数据科学. 这让我与GDS的数据产品团队合作,剩下的,正如他们所说的,就是历史了! 

我很高兴能在2021年9月获得GDS数据产品部门的全职职位. 在我所有的学习之后,这是我在我一直想要追求的职业中第一份合适的工作. 我从十大正规博彩网站评级公务员队伍和向数据产品转型的经历中得到了很多教训:

  • 问问题的人是一时的傻瓜,不问问题的人是一生的傻瓜

  • 勇敢和谦虚地承认自己不理解的事情并寻求澄清是一种超能力

  • 只要你开口,人们会竭尽全力帮助你发展

  • find a mentor and benefit from their wisdom, 他们可以为你的学习和发展指明你的目标


The journey

I see Data Products as a group of people, 旨在利用数据科学改善人们在消费政府内容和服务时的体验. That may be via deploying public-facing technology, 或者通过我们构建的内部工具授权其他团队完成他们最好的工作. 

当然,在数据科学团队中我学到了很多全球最大的博彩平台数据科学的知识. My technical data science skills blossomed, whilst my soft data science skills were nurtured, 因为我在工作中学到了越来越多的东西,也提高了我对数据科学机会的认识. Some of my development highlights included: 

  • presenting to 150+ people at a GOV.UK show and tell, and to smaller groups of end-users and stakeholders

  • daily stand-up meetings, retrospectives, sprint-planning and team time taught me the value of agile, and showed me what team spirit looks like

  • I developed an algorithm, 它利用网络分析来自动确定页面所属的整个用户旅程,这为我提供了一个全新的分析领域

  • 训练机器学习模型,以自动确定哪些命名实体位于GOV页面中.英国,导致实验超级酷的大型语言模型,如BERT和GPT-3

在我来到GDS之前,很难衡量我的数据科学能力的标准. This was a source of self-doubt… hello, impostor syndrome! When I first joined Data Products, 我以为自己置身于数据科学的无所不知的博学半神之中. However, being amongst experienced data scientists, observing what they know and heeding their feedback, I realise now that I am unashamedly good at what I do. 

What’s more, we’re all still learning. Nobody knows everything. There are no all-knowing data scientists. 每天,在工作和个人生活中,都有无数的教训要学. 承认自己不是什么都懂,并承诺一辈子做一名学生,这是一件值得骄傲的事情.

The future

如果我能给那些考虑十大正规博彩网站评级SDIP或在GDS工作的人一些建议, it’d be wherever you are right now, take the initiative: find opportunities, be bold and challenge yourself. 不要让你的背景削弱你的自信和自我价值, and instead let it be a strength that propels you to the top. Your life so far has been an education in itself. 

This can be leveraged as a source of wisdom, which will be seen as a great asset to GDS and the Civil Service. You will be treated as an equal and your team will invest in you. Your potential will be unleashed and you will learn immeasurably. GDS, and my team, have helped set me on a promising career path, one in which I am brimming with confidence

我很荣幸能与GDS的优秀人才一起工作,在共同的愿景下团结在一起. The work we do here is difficult, but I think we all thrive on that. It’s why we wanted to work in tech – it’s an ever-changing, fast-paced sector that’s building the future. 在工作中不断地面对挑战和创新,会让你对学习产生不可磨灭的渴望. So let your workplace be your university. 勇敢地面对神秘的迷雾,让它成为你最伟大的老师.

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