

十大正规博彩网站评级ing us for the latest edition of MD Culture Club is IT security distributor Distology

We spoke to three members of their team to find out exactly what it's like to work there.


Can you tell us a little bit about the company, before describing the culture at the organisation?

disology是一部获奖作品, vibrant and fast-growing cybersecurity distributor that represents leading and emerging vendors, 同时支持广泛的IT经销商网络, 英国和欧洲的解决方案提供商和服务提供商.

我们的价值观以积极为中心, 成为值得信赖的专家, 创新, 敏捷和雄心——所有这些都植根于我们的文化. We all work collaboratively across our teams, working with respect and supporting each other.  We also have our own expectations of each other as shown through our newly created Team Charters, 它们被引入来帮助我们理解彼此是如何最好地工作的, 同时确保我们被我们的供应商和经销商称为值得信赖的专家. 我们希望给每个人成长的机会.


Every person who joins our team encompasses our core values which is why we all work so well together. 教会一个人做好工作的技能是很容易的, 然而,很难教他们我们的文化, 什么对我们如此重要.

We have introduced a number of benefits over the last year or so including reducing our working hours, 增加假期, 灵活的工作, EAP和福利福利等等. 我们希望让团队的日常工作生活更加愉快. I think a great way to showcase the culture here is through a comment made by one of our team members that they have never worked anywhere before where you truly want to know and be friends with your colleagues inside and outside the office, 感觉就像家人. 每个人都真诚地喜欢彼此在一起.

We are supporting the Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter to ensure we are doing everything we can to keep our employment standards to the highest quality they can be. 我们也开始与教育机构合作, 以及社区来促进如何进入科技行业.


增长! 我们对明年的增长计划感到兴奋.

我们还将继续投资于我们的员工, which will include more specialist training programmes as well as development plans and onboarding more people to expand our team.

We want to continue growing a strong brand for Distology and develop greater awareness so more people understand that anyone can get into a career in tech, 不管你来自什么背景!

Jengira Begue,内容创意助理


That is a really hard one because no two days are ever the same and that’s something I love about the job! 从本质上讲,我是disology的品牌守护者. 我为我们自己的频道创作了很多内容, 比如制作图形并在我们的社交媒体渠道上发布, 我也帮助创建我们的播客, 就像创造电子镜头一样,这是一个非常多样化的角色.


对于下一份工作,我有一个要求清单. 我想在一个能自主决定工作的地方工作, somewhere where they would trust me to get on with it and let me have creative freedom to show off my skills, 而这正是我在Distology所拥有的. I work with an incredibly supportive team and I know they are here for me whenever I need them.

What also really impressed me about Distology was that in my initial interview, 面试我的是两个女人. I had not worked in tech before and I thought it would be incredibly male-dominated, 然而, 我喜欢每个人都来自不同的背景. Tech can be intimidating for women but I love that Distology is breaking the bias.


After working abroad for a couple of years I was really nervous to get back into marketing, 我也是科技行业的新手,真的不知道会发生什么.

然而, the team really took their time to explain the role to me and all my day-to-day tasks, 以及他们对我的期望. I was able to ask all the questions I had as there was lots to digest but I was able to take it at my own pace for the first few weeks.

I also met with all the different teams to understand what they do which really helped me to understand the business and get to know the wider team better. I really appreciated everyone taking the time out of their day to explain all the different aspects of the business and everyone was so friendly. 我已经适应得很好了,迫不及待地想继续学习!



I basically look after two areas of the business which are firstly renewals and secondly sales support.

在我的新角色中, I look after all existing contracts and subscriptions across all vendors in the business. I also support our reseller partners and work in tandem with the vendors to ensure that their end-users are getting the right value from their solutions.

一年前, the business identified a need for a dedicated quoting function to enable the sales teams to have more time building better relationships with our partners. So, I built out a small team that specialises solely in the quoting and admin of all our vendors and handle all of those requests as they come in who I now manage and support.


当我离开大学的时候, some good advice that I was given was “join a small new company and you’ll grow with it” and that is exactly what has happened with Distology. 首先, 自从我十大正规博彩网站评级Distology以来,公司的收入也在不断增长, 利润, 投资与劳动力, 但随之而来的是整个团队的利益增加了.

晋升机会是惊人的,以及更广泛的福利. 我也不能忘记提一下我们闪亮的新办公室, 包括我个人最喜欢的啤酒泵!

随着公司的成长,我自己的个人成长也得到了发展. 我一开始是做销售部门的客户经理,后来意识到这份工作不适合我. 而不是放弃和离开, disology帮助我找到了一个适合我的角色, 续订的作用是什么. 从那里, I have thrived on the renewals side and that led to me being approached to create a team from the ground up and promoted into a managerial position. 从那以后我再也没有回头.


首先,你不会后悔. You’ll be joining at a really exciting time as there are so many exciting things happening. 疾病学正在迅速发展壮大, 同时,企业内部人员的机会也会随之而来.

你也会十大正规博彩网站评级一个很棒的团队. Positivity is one of our core values, and our working environment is rife with it. I can hand-on-heart say everyone in the business is great and there isn’t anyone you couldn’t walk into our break-out area and have a fantastic chat with, 我们从彼此身上学到了很多.

最后,你的想法总会被听到. I came from a large enterprise organisation where I just felt like another number. 在Distology, 欢迎大家畅所欲言, and with us being a small team you have a real opportunity to shape the business and make positive change.


要了解更多全球最大的博彩平台Distology的职业信息, 点击这里.

If you’re a member and would like to take part in a future edition of our Culture Club series, 请联系 thom@femdomcenter.com.

