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Kellee Thomas-Plummer is Senior Business Analyst at DWP Digital

We spoke to her to find out more about this role, her experience at DWP Digital, and what an average day looks like.

Name: Kellee Thomas-Plummer

Company: DWP Digital

Job Title: Senior Business Analyst

Time in role: 1 year, 5 years as Business Analyst.

How did you get into your current role?

I began my journey at DWP Digital as a business support professional, 负责协助副主任处理邮件,安排差旅和会议安排. 这个职位使我对这些副主任所处理的工作有了宝贵的见解, particularly in the realm of architecture.

随后,我转到秘书处工作,在那里我接触了各种项目. 该职位涉及细致地记录会议纪要,并积极参与项目会议,以全面了解DWP正在进行的需求和数字转换.

During my time, I observed the fascinating work carried out by business analysts (BAs) who excelled at capturing and articulating requirements. This sparked my interest, and I aspired to pursue a career in that field. I proactively approached the BA practice, seeking job support, training, and opportunities to shadow experienced professionals. I also sought out mentors who guided me along this new path. Eventually, 我被借调到一个团队,该团队需要一个具备项目管理等多种技能的副学士, design, and other diverse responsibilities. The team recognised the transferability of my skills, 这个职位为我提供了一个担任文学士的绝佳机会, receive training, and explore new areas of expertise. To enhance my professional development, I actively engaged in meet-ups, conferences, and online learning platforms, deepening my understanding of the BA role.

Within this initial BA role, 我参与的一个值得注意的项目涉及改变工作手机上信息和数据的可访问性. This project allowed me to leverage my unique position and expertise, motivating me to apply for a permanent BA role when the opportunity arose.

I have now been in my senior BA role for over a year. 获得这个职位需要我接受不同的项目,并总是对新的机会说“是”. 与利益相关者的广泛合作使我能够建立融洽的关系并培养重要的关系. Over time, 我获得了成功申请目前职位所需的经验和资格.


What do you enjoy most about working at DWP Digital?

Undoubtedly, the most rewarding aspect of working at DWP Digital is the people. The diversity within our organisation is truly remarkable. Every day, 与不同背景的人合作的前景使我充满活力, cultures, age groups, and nationalities. 这种丰富的经验和观点为工作场所带来了无与伦比的兴奋. When we come together to brainstorm or tackle challenges, it’s inspiring to witness the dynamics of differing opinions, as each individual contributes their unique insights.

DWP Digital places a strong emphasis on diversity and inclusion, which is evident in our office environment, team structures, and the way people work together. This commitment to inclusivity is of paramount importance, ensuring that everyone feels valued and represented. 在一个所有声音都能被听到的环境中工作是我们成功的基石.

I must also highlight the exceptional BA practice at DWP Digital, which offers extensive training, job shadowing opportunities, apprenticeships, and mentorship programs. I firmly believe that with the right mindset for learning, one can achieve great heights with the support provided.

Having grown and advanced my career within DWP, from initially joining through a secondment to reaching my current position, I am motivated to help others in their professional journeys. 我非常喜欢与人交往,培养积极的工作文化. As a manager overseeing a team of 20 BAs, I prioritise their well-being, offer support, 努力创造一个让每个人都能在工作中找到成就感和乐趣的环境.

What does a typical day look like for you?

A BA is literally the face of digital, 他们必须非常善于沟通,这样他们才能理解业务需求是什么, 用户需求是什么,然后将其转换为技术人员可以离开的信息,并构建适合用户的系统.

现在我是高级领导团队的一员,如果不需要的话,我就很少动手了. I’m more involved in recruitment of BA’s, making more strategic decisions and working with senior stakeholders.

一个典型的一天可能会从十大正规博彩网站评级几个单口相声开始,因为我必须对不同队伍之间发生的事情有一个概述. After that, I'll probably join an SLT related meeting to make decisions. 然后我可能会参加另一个项目相关的会议,了解发生了什么,并为BA提供相关的支持或咨询. I firefight a lot as well, if there's a need, that's where I'll go. I’m very flexible. 

One of my proudest projects was the transformation of the service desk, which is when colleagues have a problem, such as they can't get into their device. 我们将该服务的提供者从我们必须的人更改为我们目前使用的ServiceNow平台. 

We integrated this with Amazon Connect, 这利用了我们已经在系统中得到的数据,使它对用户友好. When you call up, 它已经知道你的细节,并根据你想要的东西引导你走上一条特定的道路, it already has the information from previous calls.

For example, “I can see that you raised an incident. Is this still about that?,它就不再需要进行新的对话,从而节省了时间和精力. 

What is it like working remotely during the pandemic?

It was hard to readjust, BAs are more tactile, 我们喜欢张贴笔记,聚在一起合作,理解不同的观点. 

When we had to work remotely it really changed the dynamics of that, 我无法通过观察面部表情来判断我是否捕捉到了我错过的肢体语言的正确信息. 

As time progressed, 让每个人都呆在同一个空间变得更受欢迎,我们确保从我们可以一起度过的时间里得到很多东西. 

What excites you the most about the work a DWP Digital?

真正推动我在DWP Digital工作的重要性的是深刻认识到我们的服务最终会影响谁. Drawing from my personal background rooted in poverty, I am intimately connected to the individuals we serve—my own family, friends, and their loved ones. These are the very people who rely on our support.

这种意识在我心中灌输了一种坚定不移的决心,要在我的角色中表现出色. The individuals we serve represent some of the most vulnerable members of society, and their well-being is intricately intertwined with my own cultural experiences. 认识到我们的服务有能力带来有意义的改变,这激发了我的奉献精神和承诺.

在DWP Digital与不同的人合作的机会让我非常兴奋. 看到我们团队的共同努力,看到我们共同取得的显著进步和影响,我充满了热情和满足感. 看到我们的工作蓬勃发展,看到我们能够取得的变革性成果,确实令人振奋.

Have you learned anything new since you started?

Everything has been a learning curve! 

What I have learnt is, that within DWP Digital there are a lot of opportunities. You’re supported to learn and encouraged to keep progressing if it’s what you want.

我的经验是,如果你一直敲对的门,你就会得到你想要的机会. If you've got the right attitude towards learning, you will get there. 

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