
聚光灯下- KrakenFlex

At 全球最大的博彩平台的数字 we like to interview our members to find out a bit more about what they do and their work in the Greater Manchester digital and technology sp在这里. 这周我们将与团队在 KrakenFlex.


章鱼能源公司是欧洲资金最充足的绿色科技初创公司. We're a global leader in renewable energy technology and are backed by some pretty big names like Al Gore's sustainable investment fund, 并被官方评为英国获奖最多的能源供应商! 我们该怎么办?? 我们提供可再生能源、服务和技术.    

章鱼于2016年推出,由10个不同的实体组成. 我们有/ 3.100万零售客户,我们活跃在9个国家(英国), AU, NZ, DE, 日本, ITA, ESP, US, FR)提供100%可再生能源, 肩负着加速全球脱碳的使命.

我们位于全球最大的博彩平台的实体是KrakenFlex. KrakenFlex 是一个基于云的SaaS平台,它允许. 拥有可再生能源发电资产的企业(例如.g. 太阳能光伏, wind farms, even utility storage) the ability to control and optimise these, and 2. 拥有大量能源密集型资产的企业(如.g. data centres, HVAC systems, refrigeration) the ability to turn these on or off. T在这里 are a lot of smarts that go on behind the scenes to enable these functionalities, and allow real time control and analytics of how to balance supply and demand - to keep the grid stable and secure.

KrakenFlex现在也在向B2C市场扩张, 为国内客户提供服务. This will allow residential customers to essentially have the same functionality, 但是在较小的范围内e.g. 控制电动汽车, 热泵, 太阳能光伏, 蓄电池存储系统, 确保能源消费者能够获得最环保的能源, 最清洁、最便宜的电力.

What do you think is currently the biggest issue facing the tech industry?        

Skill shortage has been a challenge in the sector for some time and that doesn’t seem to be changing quickly. 我们很幸运能一直吸引如此优秀的人才十大正规博彩网站评级我们的团队, 但随着我们正在经历的增长, we do often see areas w在这里 the number of opportunities on the market outnumber the candidates with the experience to fill them. And it’s not only us- recent reports show that 79% of UK based CEOs are concerned about the availability of technical skills, 需求最大的专业包括数据科学, 云计算与网络安全.


哇,从哪里开始呢!? 只给一个是很困难的, so to give a couple of honourable mentions to our runner up achievements: being named one of “Glassdoor’s best places in the UK to work for 2022,” Kraken Technology so early into its journey being licensed in 9 different countries, 让它成为一个全球性的平台, 并将我们的KrakenFlex解决方案扩展到加拿大, 挪威和印度. 在过去的6年里,我们有很多值得庆祝的事情!

But our biggest achievement as a group relates to 1 of our 3 core values; being customer centric, 始终把客户的需求放在第一位. With that in mind our product and service has led to us being the only energy provider to ever be named Which’s Recommended Provider for 5 years in a row.


Our biggest challenge currently is the ability to continue to articulate what we do and why it’s so important. Climate change and Net Zero goals have finally got the air time they deserve, 但为了在我们有生之年实现这些目标, 我们需要的不仅仅是英国人口, but the world to think about their energy consumption and how this can be controlled and optimised.                        

KrakenFlex不仅为企业提供服务, but residential customers the opportunity to reduce their carbon footprint, 利用可再生能源发电, 还能减少他们的能源开支. But to do this, we need to work tirelessly to make this offering simple, easy and affordable for all. This is a challenge that our whole organisation has the ability to influence and something that motivates us all every day.


令人难以置信聪明. With our history as pioneers of tech and the increasing amount of investment that has come into the city in the last 5 years, 怎么可能不是呢?

The pandemic if anything only seems to have fed the city's tech growth with 28% of jobs in Manchester now being in the tech sector. The scope for remote working has helped somewhat with candidates based all over the country now being able to work for a Manchester business, 比如KrakenFlex. But outside of that we’ve even seen candidates increasingly looking to relocate to the North as a result of the pandemic for the cheaper cost of living.

We have world class universities as well as coding bootcamps and a thriving tech scene of self learners rushing to fill the skills gap. On top of that we have some of the most exciting tech businesses in the UK (including us!)在我们的城市建立他们的球队.                 


The KrakenFlex tentacle of the Octopus Energy Group family was originally Upside Energy - founded by 3 friends, who had a belief that controlling hundreds of millions of devices in the home - would disrupt an incumbent industry and enable a green revolution. 他们独特的背景和技能结合在一起创造了算法, code and user interfaces that were the beginning of something super special.                        

兰开斯特大学的那三个人今天还在这里, and are able to provide not only deep technical knowledge of how our platform originated, 而是我们文化的支柱. 一个创新, 充满创意和活力的工作场所, 目的是利用可再生能源发电, 储存和人们的家庭为所有人提供绿色能源生态系统.

自从我们在2020年十大正规博彩网站评级八达通大家庭以来, you’ll now find hundreds of stuffed Constantines (that’s the name of our beloved Octopus mascot!) throughout our offices, and potentially around Manchester soon enough! 


要了解更多全球最大的博彩平台章鱼能源的信息, 点击这里.

了解更多全球最大的博彩平台他们即将扮演的角色 在这里.

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